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Imagine Yourself In Our Feathers: an Urgent Request for Help
‘allo!Hard to write this, but needed. Mike and I are in danger of losing our roof (in 11 days as I write this, now 2 days as you read this), and our storage, with all its practical and sentimental contents, after so many months and years of trying ...
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The Help-full-ness of Books
'allo!As I was doing my somewhat-obsessive email checking today-as-I-write-this, I came across this post by The Bloggess, Jenny Lawson, and I just had to stop and read.Because while my head is differently arranged than hers, and my scary-head-stuff d...
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Cover piccy for 'What Do the Stars Think?' a chapbook of speculative poetry by Mike Diamond
Creativity and the Pandemic
Hi!I don't know about you, but this time living through the pandemic has had a really strange effect on our creativity.We have always been creative, though I've never actually had anything published outside of a couple of club newsletters of organiza...
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