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David Scott Lynn's BIO / History

From Structural Steel Ironworker in South Suburban Chicago with NO College Degree, to a Yoga Teacher, to Founder of a Method of Mindful Medical Massage, Myo-Structural Balancing & Yoga Therapy ...

With 44+ Years of In-Depth Experience ...

NOW Helping YOU On Becoming A Leading Edge EXPERT!

The Future of Neuro-Musculo-Fascial Therapy is Opening Up EVEN FURTHER and Going NEXT LEVEL for Those Who Want to BE a Leading Edge EXPERTon Treatment of Soft Tissue Issues. Increasing numbers of People In The Public are realizing the Benefits of Massage, Bodywork, & Yoga Therapy.

And although the numbers are increasing, too few Physicians or Therapists understand the Full Range of what great musculo-fascial therapy can do for their Patient or Client Population. ...

BUT YOU WILL! ... And YOU Can Educate Them!

If You want an in-depth Introduction & Description of my work and how I developed it, and how it MIGHT inspire YOU to do something similar, the story starts Right Here. 

Yes, it is a VERY LONG story & description. It's more like a small eBook — a BIO / History — than just part of a web page. But if you are going to be investing time & money, you should know who & what you are getting into. And if MY STORY resonates with you, you will probably resonate with my WORK too ... And it just might inspire YOUR Story to help YOU become a Leading Edge Expert.

ALSO, I have a LOT of written material, which is STILL a most efficient & convenient way to learn & absorb a LOT of information. And if you want to BE a Leading Edge Expert, you'll want to know MORE, not LESS.

Yes, you will get a lot of material from me via Video and Talking on Zoom or phone and such, but if you do not like to read, it would take a LONG time to access most of what I can tell you about therapy. So if you do NOT like to read, you might not want to continue here.

While I believe I can give you a MAJOR Head Start in a few months, this is NOT a Quick & Easy Shortcut to "Mastery." This is NOT just Tips & Tricks.

BUT OF COURSE, You do NOT have to Read it all! But if you DO read much of it, I hope it INSPIRES YOU to take YOUR Practice to YOUR Next Level too! ... Here IT Is!

FYI: In case you missed it up above ... For the fascia-focused people out there, in my methods, myo refers not just to "muscle cells," but to the fully integrated, synergistic, neuro-musculo-fascial UNIT as a whole system. While we recognize that fascia and muscle cells are very different, they are not very "separate." They work together as a harmonious unity. ... More on this above on this page under Myth-Conceptions.

Increasing numbers of potential Clients are looking toward "alternative," wholistic therapies to resolve issues orthodox medical methods or more common muscle therapy techniques have not been able to resolve. Or they don't last long.

  • Years ago, one of the "complaints" I got from Therapists who learned and were using my Method said Clients who used to come in every week or two for therapy were getting a LOT better, and did not need to come in as often, or at all! So we had to develop a program to help them get more Clients!

NOW, it IS true that many Clients or Patients respond very well to traditional NMT, MFR, Deep Tissue, Acupressure, Rolfing® (Structural Integration), Tui Na, and so on. Those methods work Very Well for MANY problems of many Clients. They do NOT necessarily NEED DSL EdgeWork.

Yet there IS a percentage of people who do NOT respond well to such more commonly available therapies. Some Client's Soft Tissue Issues are more complex, more difficult to treat, they've been in chronic pain for years or decades, and need a much different, more specific approach to their therapy. 

  • Trigger Point Therapy seems "specific." Yet not nearly enough so for some Clients' problems.

I've had Clients whose DOCTORS told them that a particular SUPER-HARD tissue in their body was a BONE! And their therapists complained about how difficult they were to treat. Yet I could ell it was NOT a bone, and though it took quite some time, it started to relax and they ended up pain free. Some of those people had been in pain for MANY YEARS, even DECADES, and had nearly given up on EVER getting better. But we got them better!

Is my track record 100%? NO. More like 80 to 90%. But with Clients in that much trauma, some of them are pretty difficult.

And I have made mistakes in judgement. A few people I evaluated incorrectly. More importantly, NOW, I can TELL YOU what I did wrong so YOU can learn from MY errors in judgement. 

DSL EdgeWork was designed for those Human Beings who need that more specific, tailor-made approach. If YOU want to become more Highly Specialized,THIS work might be for You!

THIS is The Time to Get Ahead of the Neuro-Myo Power Curve, to set yourself apart as being a Leading Edge Expert & Innovator in BodyMind Therapies. If You are so Motivated, this can open doors to many possibilities in the field of Psycho*-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial & Joint Therapy.

  • Psycho-: Refers to "breath, mind, soul" and "psychology." As you saw above on this page, and you'll see below, we put a major focus on integrating the MIND in what we do.

I Am Inviting YOU to Join ME in taking Mindful Medical Massage, Myo-Structural Balancing & Bodywork and Physical / Mental Yoga Therapeutics to the NEXT LEVEL in Your Practice and Our Society.

AND, because this work is based on Solid, Scientific & Medical Research Principles, what you learn with DSL can be applied to ANY Method of Therapyyou prefer to use.

You are notof course, required to use my Methods the same way I do. I'm interested in moving the profession ahead, and beyond me, NOT in creating a bunch of DSL Clones! And if you DO want to work like I do, that can be arranged as well.

Hello! This is David Scott Lynn ( AKA DSL )!

... Founder, Developer, & Lead Presenter of DSL EdgeWork.

I'm telling you part of My Story below so YOU can be Inspired to apply the Events & Experiences of YOUR Life to KNOW that YOU can achieve Bigger & Better Things as well, even if you do NOT have the "right credentials." ...

And You do NOT have to be a Doctor to provide the kind of RESULTS we can. Mostly, you are offering Deep, Radical Relaxation ... without drugs, surgery or other invasive measures.

*I* certainly did NOT have the "right credentials." I did not even attend a massage therapy school until I had been successfully practicing and TEACHING for more than 30 YEARS!

Yet in the late 1980s to mid-1990s, I was considered by many in the Massage Therapy Field to be an innovator of some very important concepts & practices.

I was among the first of only a few therapists to present ideas that were controversial way back then, but not any longer. For Example:

  • The Abdominal Wall and PSOAS muscles are major contributors to postural imbalances and many other problems.
  • You CAN work with AB Muscles & Psoas without harming the internal organs or causing any pain.
  • Peoples' problems are more about muscles being Too Short or Too Long rather than Too Weak or Too Strong.
  • Much alleged "weakness" is really Pseudo-Weakness, where over-shortened muscle fibers cannot shorten any more, so they "test" or "show up" as "weak" but are NOT really weak.
  • The BIG difference between Tone & Tonus. Tone means "healthy state." Tonusmeans nerve charge to a muscle. Too much Tonus & your Tone goes DOWN!
  • More Clients in modern society have a Posterior Tilted Pelvis, rather than anterior tilted.
  • More people in pain / bad posture have a LOSS of Lordosis, not excess lordosis. But there IS a "pseudo-lordosis illusion."
  • MUCH of Forward Head Posture is from an Over-Shortened Abdominal Wall, Posterior Pelvic Tilt, and LOSS of Lordosis. It's NOT anterior tilted pelvis & excess lordosis as shown on some therapy charts.
  • NO Pain Means MORE Gain (Therapy does NOT need to hurt, and pain, or even "discomfort," is very often counterproductive.)
  • Stubborn Muscles very often need LESS manual pressure to Relax & Release,not MORE pressure. They need FINESSE*, not Force! (* Finesse: Intricate, refined, subtle)
  • Chronically Over-Tight Muscles are a bigger problem than "Tight Fascia," because tight muscles are a primary cause of "tight fascia." 
  • There is a LOT more, but you get the idea ...

My Clients & Students included Presidents & Executive Board Members of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) and some of the biggest massage schools in the country.

HERE is the Main Event that Put Me On The Map!

In 1989, Heartwood Institute, a Residential Healing Arts & Massage Therapy School way up in the Mountains of Northern California, with Students from around the Country and World, was in desperate need of a new Deep Tissue teacher. They had a group of already successfully practicing Therapists there for an advanced, residential training. But the instructor never showed up! The Students were VERY UPSET and wanted their money back! 

So the Heartwood Staff was desperate for a teacher could make up for their failure.

The owners of Heartwood called (the now late) Robert K. King, Co-founder of the iconic & prestigious Chicago School of Massage Therapy and 2-term President of the AMTA. They asked him who he recommended to teach their full-time, 10-week, Deep Tissue Training Program?

Yet I, DSL, was Mr. King's #1 Recommendation for the job. And he knew MOST of the top therapists around Chicago and the Country.

And NO ONE, except Mr. King, knew I had NEVER taught my complete therapy system before!

  • Here's what Bob had to say about me: "David has become my favorite wandering troubadour carrying with him a wonderful assortment of wisdom, philosophy, insight, bodywork skill, impeccable manners, and should your paths cross, try a few sessions with him for a bold and profound hands on experience!"

When I walked into that training room of very skeptical Therapists, it was a bit challenging. With NO Experience training therapists, I KNEW I was on the spot. But I got the job done with VERY high ratings and satisfaction from the Students!

As one student at Heartwood, a man who had just graduated from 4-years of Medical School, but wanted to experience alternative healing methods first-hand (literally) before going into private medical practice, said:

  • "I learned more anatomy from David in Five WEEKS than I learned in Four YEARS of medical school."
  • In another Review from Heartwood: "The students in Heartwood's approved Massage program felt that The DSL Method [now known as DSL EdgeWork] was the most valuable work in Heartwood's massage curriculum. Many students felt that David's work instilled a sense of competence in their ability to do massage & bodywork. It is an open ended system allowing and encouraging students to continually improve their work through active practitioner / client exchange. I have personally found that, based on feedback from clients, The DSL Method is on par with, if not superior to, the other major bodywork systems available today." Rex Dippre, Massage Therapist, Director of Admissions, Heartwood Institute, 1989-1992, Arcata, California

OH, BTW, "DSL" is my initials. But DSL also stands for a booklet I wrote in 1995 titled: "The Dynamics of bio-Structural Laws, Learning & Listening." ... 

(That eBook is being rewritten and updated right now. And I have a number of eBooks getting ready to publish very soon. And a few are already available on this website.)

HERE are some of the highlights of My Path from a middle class, south suburban Chicagoan, to heavy construction worker with no college degree, to Founder of a Mindful Medical Massage, Myo-Structural Balancing & Yoga Therapy System ...

Martial Arts, Motocross & Meditation

I got my start in Wholistic Health & Healing in Martial Arts & ZEN Meditation in 1967 when I was 13 years old. Learning Zen meditation & martial arts is an important story in itself, especially in Dolton, Illinois in 1967!

I then raced motocross (dirt bikes in very rough terrain) most weekends (except winter time) from age 14 to 17 (and I crashed a LOT!), and had a LOT of trauma to my muscle structure from crashing so much! ...

Beginning to Think Structurally AND Wholistically

In my mid-teens to mid-20s, I was a Structural Steel Ironworker Foreman — heavy construction, putting up steel structures of various kinds of buildings all around Greater Chicagoland — also VERY stressful on the muscles & joints — for about 8 years. I learned a LOT about building & balancing structures.

AND I read a LOT of books on various aspects of Whole Health Healing, Meditation, Yoga, Philosophy, Spirituality, and so on. All this set me up for a more philosophical & meditative View & Practice Of Life.

I pretty successfully applied what I learned in martial arts & meditation to motocross & ironworking. But by 19 years old, I was already set up for a Life Of Muscle Pain. I just didn't yet know how bad.

Yet you might be surprised how much my time as a Structural Steel Ironworker prepared me to become a Myo-Structural Bodywork & Yoga Therapist.Because of working with my Father, John A. Lynn — who was a Master Of The Ironwork & Building Trades, and of working with Physical Reality in general (of all kinds) — my Dad taught me how to "Think & Work Structurally."

Something YOU Will Learn to do if you get involved with my myo-structural balancing & bodywork programs.

One TRICK is to learn how to SEE what is REALLY in front of You instead of what you EXPECT to be in front of You, or what some "expert" told you what was supposed to BE in front of You. By my Dad's Examples (which you will learn about elsewhere) I learned, by the time I was 13 years old, to NOT blindly trust the opinions of "experts," even if they have Professional Degrees & Licenses.

I DO listen to "The Experts," and I DO Learn from them. But I do NOT assumethey are correct unless my own observations & experience confirm what theysay.

Even the Buddha said to Not Believe anything you cannot confirm by your own observation & experience.

YOGA As A Foundation for DSL EDGEWORK

I started doing physical yoga postures at age 19 ( 1973 ) and it started helping some of my muscle problems; my aches, pains, & restrictions.

I started working with Sri Nerode, a full-blooded Hindu Brahmin who migrated from India to South Side Chicago 45 years earlier. I was mostly learning meditation from him, and he offered me a job teaching yoga at the university near by. I did NOT take the job, however. He was a little too "Hindu" for me.

I also studied some with the Indian Swami Rama, another Hindu, but he was too authoritarian for me, and he thought tolerating pain was a VERY good thing.

A MAJOR Life-Changing Event ...

I had attended a seminar by the now late Joel Kramer, a yoga teacher and philosopher who some people called the Father of American Yoga. I was far more interested in his more Western Approach to Yoga. I then attended a 1-month, Residential Intensive Joel taught on Physical, Mental & Relational Yogain British Columbia. I soon began began Teaching Yoga in Chicago and Northern Illinois in 1976.

Joel's approach was a very NON-Hindu, NON-Guru, NON-Mystical, NON-Religious, ANTI-Authoritarian approach to Physical, Mental, & Relational Yoga ... yet it was no less "conscious" than other methods of yoga. The meditative yoga was very similar to the mental yoga teachings of Jiddhu Krishnamurti.

The Approach I use to Meditation is more like what Ken Wilber — a famous, modern philosopher in Transpersonal Psychology & Spirituality — calls the Descenders.

As Ken describes it, Ascenders are people who prefer meditation techniques that help them escape from physical reality and merge with "Universal Consciousness." Descenders are more about using meditation to get in touch with the day-to-day processes and events of life right here on Earth.

I am Definitely a Descender!

Joel's physical yoga included an aggressive approach for building strength & endurance, somewhat like Iyengar Yoga, but much less rigid or authoritarian in his methods. Of course, he did NOT believe in going into pain in postures. At other times, on the other extreme, his yoga was a lot like a combination of Yin Yoga & Restorative Yoga.

All this suited me very well. Although I have never been a "follower" of any teacher or ideology.

One of Joel Kramer's & Krishnamurti's Big Premises — and to a degree Ken Wilber's — was to help people to learn trust themselves rather than submit to an Authoritarian Power or perspective.

What I learned about Yoga from Joel was, For Example:

  • Playing THE EDGE of Pain, Fear & Resistance
  • Minimum & Maximum Edges
  • Staying in Postures FAR longer than most yoga teachers were saying or doing
  • What makes a muscle REALLY Relax & Release
  • How to Integrate the Breath into doing yoga postures
  • How to have a Mindful or Meditative Focus, exploring one's tensions while doing Postures.
  • How to DE-Compress the Joints & overall musculature of the Body
  • Stretching the Nerves
  • The Value of Micro-Movements
  • Integrating a Yogic Perspective into My Life, rather than integrating my life into yoga.

Getting Into Bodywork & Massage Therapy

In 1977 I left Chicago and after traveling & studying on the West Coast some, I became the Yogi-in-Residence at the Inner Garden, the very first Whole Health Center in Aspen, Colorado. There, I learned Jin Shin Do, an Oriental style of bodywork. Then I got my extensive introduction to hands-on, Therapeutic Bodywork by way of Eugene Donaldson, who went on to Co-Found Educating Hands, a prominent massage therapy school in Miami, Florida. (We both went from Aspen to South Florida, at different times, to get out of the Colorado Cold!)

I also had the great fortune to study and work informally with several other top Bodywork & Massage Therapists and Yoga Teachers around the country, and being introduced to several different style of therapy. I had a Natural Knack for doing bodywork, so they liked doing trades with me. I developed a good amount of experience doing hands-on therapy this way.

Then, in 1981, and with NO formal training, I opened a massage therapy practice in Near North, Downtown Chicago. I quickly became a Myo-Structural Bodywork & Yoga Therapist in 1982 by way of Daniel Blake, who was trained by Ida Rolf in Structural Integration (Rolfing).

Not happy or satisfied with some basic principles of Rolfing, Daniel went beyond Rolfing to develop an advanced hybrid of Structural Balancing, Osteopathy, and other elements. He called it Structural Bodywork. Even though I thought it might bankrupt me, I took his extensive, 250-hour training in mid-1982 in Chicago at CSMT.

I remember the day I was walking down the steps of the red stone apartment I was renting out to the street, heading to the bus to go to the training program. I Made another Life-Changing Decision:

Even if it DID bankrupt me, what I wanted was to create a program of therapy that would help that small percentage of Clients who were NOT responding to more common therapies. I thought it might be a Great Service to Human Beings. And I thought Daniel's Structural Bodywork training program would give me the last major element of my therapy program I had been looking for ... and MISSING.

And his training saved me from having to move to Boulder, Colorado, and pay many thousands of dollars to the Rolf Institute, which I was thinking of doing until I met Daniel. And even though Rolfing® seemed at the time to be THE leader in structural approaches to bodywork, I had several well-founded concerns about whether Rolfing would or could teach me what I wanted to learn. And Daniel had the same concerns.

I'm VERY glad I went with Daniel's program. It was Robert K. King who introduced me to Daniel (eight years before he recommended me to Heartwood), and it was EXACTLY what I needed & wanted to learn: How to effectively & more precisely evaluate the muscle & bone structures of the human bodymind. And I confirmed over the next few years that I would NOT have gotten what I wanted from the Rolf Institute.

Finding Problems in Assumptions About Therapy

As I focused 100% on Structural Bodywork in my practice, I was developing my own Method of Therapy. But I kept running into "things" that just did not fit what I had been taught by many "expert" therapists and stuff I read in many books or articles. Much of what they said did NOT match up with the Reality I saw and experienced with many of my Clients. (You saw a partial list of such things up above.)

As I was working with Clients, I noticed the generalizations & assertions by many of The Experts VERY often did NOT seem to fit the Reality many or most of my Clients presented with.

So I had to REASSESS what I had been told, and learn to TRUST what MY Eyes & Mind & Hands told me instead of what I had been "taught" or what some "expert" was trying to tell me. (They are NOT always "wrong," of course. But we can NOT assume they are always RIGHT, despite their degrees & licenses!)

That, in great part, is what Phenomenological Mindfulness is all about. (That is, as much as possible, using one's own mind & nervous system to study the nature of current phenomena, of direct experience of REALITY, & consciousness.)

And mindfulness is a major aspect of the DSL EdgeWork system of therapy. Fortunately, the Zen-style Meditation I learned and began practicing at age 13 got me off to a great start on all of that.

Why I Did Not Become A Rolfer® (Structural Integration)

FIRST, let me say that Ida Rolf made GREAT contributions to the field of Bodywork and Alternate Therapies. She did a LOT to legitimize them. And she helped expand medical ideas about human "structure" beyond just the bones and joints, and to include the musculo-fascial structures.

And she stimulated a LOT of research into fascia that has been VERY valuable.

And without Ida Rolf and Structural Integration, there might not have been a Daniel Blake and Structural Bodywork. And without Daniel I might still be wondering how to straighten out a human musculoskeletal structure!

SO ... I owe a DEEP DEBT OF GRATITUDE for Ida's work. Rolfing was a Grandparent to MY work. ... So Thank You Ida!

On With The Story ...

For a couple of years before I met Daniel Blake, I was assuming I would have to go to Boulder and study Rolfing to learn what I wanted to know about structural approaches to bodywork.

I already knew I could make people's bodies change significantly, very often to very positive effect. But I could not with any great specificity predict, or know ahead of time what specific changes would happen when I released a specific muscle.

So I was kind of shooting blind, what some therapists used to call Poke & Hope.Yet I believed if I knew enough about the human muscular system, I would be able to evaluate & predetermine what changes I could make.

Yet several experiences led me to have my doubts about Rolfing.

One was that I tried to work with FIVE different Rolfers in the Chicago area. Every one of them caused so much pain from the very beginning of the session I could not take it. (It's hard to say I was a WIMP because if you knew what ironworkers go through every day ... But there was NO WAY I could relax into that.) ... 

This, of course, flew in the face of what I had learned and applied with the NO Pain, MORE Gain approach. I did not believe pain was necessary. And Ida and her son had a reputation for being VERY aggressive in their bodywork.

Another one was I did not want to learn a "Standard Recipe" to perform the same moves with all Clients. I wanted to be able to create unique, tailored sessions for each Client at each session based on what they presented with at that time. So learning the Rolfer's 10-Session Recipe was NOT my idea of what I wanted to learn.

Another and Bigger thing was a married couple, of whom both were Rolfers, came to Chicago to teach a weekend workshop on Structural Integration (Rolfing®). I attended their workshop, hoping I would learn how to better evaluate where to work and on what muscles, and when.

The workshop was nearing its end on Sunday afternoon, and I was getting VERY frustrated. They were NOT providing ANY insight into my main question. So I asked "How do you KNOW where to work & when?" The woman, who was demonstrating a technique on someone at the time, hesitated, then said, "Well, you just sort of know."

I was VERY disappointed, almost shocked. THAT was a wholly inadequate answer to my question, as far as I was concerned. It was like the Poke & Hope Principle many therapists worked under in those days, and many STILL do. Just POKE in the muscles and HOPE something improves. But with no real certainty about what a correct strategy would be.

Yet I believed I should be able to know enough about the anatomy & kinesiology of the muscles & bones to determine WHAT would happen when I released the tension in a specific muscle. I figured I should be able to design each session for the Client based ont heir unique needs at THAT moment; NOT just "deliver a standard recipe."

As an ironworker foreman, we used plumb cables to pull steel structures around until every column was vertical, and every beam was horizontal, and every corner was square. I assumed that in the human body, the bones were like the columns & beams, and the muscles & tendons were like the plumb cables.

But at that point, I did NOT know the medical sciences enough to adjust things and predict what would happen. Heck, I did not even know what "kinesiology"really was!

I was also learning, and understanding, that the Rolfer's excessively high focus on fascia, and FAR less on muscles, was leading them to make very incorrect assessments about structural misalignments and distortions in a Client's body. They were getting overly focused on fascia, and almost ignoring muscles.

(I have a few stories on that, but I'll save them for another time.)

As a result, they were rarely able, for example, to straighten a scoliosis because focusing on fascia caused them to release the WRONG muscles. 

After the Structural Bodywork Training, this proved to me, for example, that Rolfer's assessments about scoliosis were exactly opposite of the Real Situation. Which is why most of their attempts to straighten a scoliosis was not working very well at all, or occasionally made the Client WORSE.

Yet very early in my career, I was able to provide substantial straightening of a scoliosis because of the precise, customized method of evaluation I earned from Daniel Blake. (BTW, Daniel left the therapy field many years ago and I heard he had become an attorney!)

Daniel Blake's Postural Assessment Method was FAR more precise, and realistic, and I have found it to be FAR more effective in restoring better postural balance and alignment than Rolfers were achieving. (I just looked at their online catalog and it appears they are still using the 10-Session Recipe until you get to advanced training.)

Yet over the subsequent few years, I came to conclude that even some of Daniel's assumptions about posture were not FULLY correct, either, and I had to reconsider some of those!

One more thing about Ida Rolf is she believed Yoga compressed the joints, and was not good for people. While it is true that if you do yoga improperly, it DOES compress the joints. But there is a way to NOT compress the joints, which we teach in DSL EdgeWork and Let-Go Yoga.

And HERE is a Basic Principle & Philosophy of DSL EdgeWork:

We are NOT here to just "recreate the Good Ideas" of those who came before us. Our job, as Self-Actualizing Human Beings, and as Time-Binders*, is to take the Knowledge & Experiences of our parents & teachers and GO BEYOND WHAT THEY DISCOVERED. Even if "going beyond" contradicts what they saw or did.

  • Time-Binding, a term coined by Alfred Korzybski, is one of Korzybski's Theoriesabout the Nature of Being a Human Being that we incorporate into DSL EdgeWork.

As a TimeBinder, MY JOB is to condense all of my knowledge, skills, insights & wisdom in Bodywork & Yoga Therapy into a package I can deliver to YOU — or whoever is interested — such that YOU are Prepared to do Bigger & Better Things than I can.

This is one of the Objectives of the School Of Hard Knots, to provide you that package in the field of Bodywork & Yoga Therapy. And if everyone was doing "Time-Binding" in ALL walks of life, including how parents raise their children, civilization would be moved ahead. When people do NOT "Time-Bind," civilization goes into DECLINE.

Korzybski is one of the philosophers DSL Edgework bases its Philosophical & Operational Principles on. He is also one of the people who pointed out the deep implications of the Colloidal Tissues on human health and well-being. And Colloidal Tissues is another, older, now little used name for ... Ready For It? ... The Fascia!

Korzybski was deep into an integrative approach to language (linguistics), psychology, anthropology, mathematics, engineering & philosophy. He went into Great Depth how much psycho-physiological events in the mind, brain & nervous system end up embedding in the colloidal tissues (fascia).

And Ida Rolf was a student of Korzybski! Yet to my knowledge, Ida never went as openly deep into the implications of "colloidal fascia" as Korzybski did. ...

Yet WE Will!

We will go into Korzybski's DEEP insights into colloidal tissues (fascia) in the DSL Education & Mentoring Program. But suffice it to say there is a major contributioninto human mental & physical well being from his teachings. So NO, we do NOT ignore nor downplay the fascia.

(There is an eBook on Fascia Facts & Fallacies on this website that discusses all of the issues I brought up, BTW.)

DSL Edgework Comes Together

As importantly, based on what I learned doing my personal yoga practice 3 to 4 hours per day many days per week for many months over several years, and doing many bodywork trades with some great bodyworkers, I developed my unique & effective therapeutic system of DSL Edgework. (Way back then, I called it PsychoMuscular Release & Structural Balancing. But in Chicago, people were not too keen on the "psycho" part of the name. I bet it would have gone over MUCH better in Southern California!)

  • To review, Psycho-: Refers to "breath, mind, soul" and "psychology." ... It does NOT necessarily mean you are a Crazy Person for using it!

As I was using my method of Structural Yoga Therapy to successfully heal my OWN severe problems with pain & dysfunction from my Motocross & Ironworker days, everything came together in the mid-1980s. One day in 1985, when my back pain stopped for a few hours for the first time in 3.5 YEARS of non-stop, "throw me on the floor" pain, I knew my method was working. And I had many Clients that were getting Great Results, too.

(I tell that story in greater detail up above in the Section titled: Physical, Mental & Relational Yoga as the Foundation for DSL EdgeWork)

And Most Importantly, it was doing those many hours of doing my own physical / mental yoga that taught me what REALLY makes a muscle "relax" & "let go" & "release" its tension & stress. THAT is a Major Element of what I teach in my therapy programs. And Yes, Hands-On Bodywork CAN be done with the same YOGIC intent & focus too.

I Start Teaching & Practicing Around The Country

After teaching at Heartwood for a year (described above) in 1989-90, I began teaching my Method of Therapy around the county with excellent feedback from students. (Please See the Testimonial Pages on my main website.)

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I've had Private Practices in several cities around America, and even in Acapulco, Mexico (in 1985, until the Mexican earthquake put me out of business!). I've worked with Clients from all over the world, and most of them say, No One Does What I Do.

Actually, there ARE a FEW therapists who do SOME similar things as I do. But they are Far Too Few & Too Far Between.

According to my Clients, we need a LOT more Therapists trained to do such things.

And if YOU are looking for ideas on starting a New Practice, I've started about EIGHT of them now over the last 44 years, all under very different circumstances, so I might be able to help you!

In the 1990s, I teamed up with Linda J. Calandro. When I met her in 1992, I would say she was one of the top five Neuromuscular (NMT) Therapists & Educators in the country. She had a BIG focus on the sciences behind NMT, and so I started expanding my knowledge even deeper into the medical & physical sciences behind neuromuscular, myofascial, & structural therapies. This expanded my own insights & perspectives greatly. I even spent quite few days at the Harvard Medical Library in the Boston area and CDC in Atlanta reading the big, expensive medical textbooks.

One Great Lesson was that MOST of the Physical Principals & Medical Sciences behind bodywork and yoga are almost identical. I "knew" that at the Experiential Level. But I did not yet know enough physiology & neurology to know for sure from the more scientific perspective. ...


But one thing Joel Kramer tried to impart to us: Do not underestimate your ability to "Know" The Truth at the Experiential level, even if you do not know the sciences behind it.

Yet one of my Mottos is the more you know about how the neuro-musculo-fascial & joint system WORKS, the more you know about how to WORK with it.

SO ... I'm now working to get back to my long "on-hold" programs to Educate & Mentor Therapists who want to have access to my 44+ years of Insights, Strategies, & Skills to Evaluate & Treat long-term chronic, complex, difficult-to-treat soft tissue issues of their Clients.

I'm also, for those who want it, going to be working with my Students on developing their Communications & Marketing so they can become well-known as the Leading Edge Expert in their Community. 

If any of that is something YOU want, Please Get In Touch!

Thank You Very Much for Reading!

  • David Scott Lynn ( DSL )
  • DSL: Your High-Touch Uplink to the Inner-Net
  • Inner-Net: Your Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial System

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