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DSL EdgeWork Monthly Members

Learn About DSL EdgeWork the Most Affordable Way

DSL Member Benefits

  • Weekly "Small Byte" Lesson on the DSL Method of Therapy
  • Monthly Newsletter on Various Related Topics
  • Weekly Supplements to Newsletter
  • Monthly Therapy Case Studies
  • Reviews of Relevant Products & Publications
  • Group Forum to Communicate with other Students on a similar path as You

LEARNING The DSL Method of Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial & Joint Therapy

This Membership is primarily for people who cannot afford the Higher Price Course Work allowing You to learn the DSL Method in a matter of a few months.

With 15 Modules, rather than getting the material in 15 weeks, it will take more like 15 months. But what you will learn WILL help you become a MUCH Better Therapist Right Away.

You also will NOT get my One-on-One Mentoring / Coaching. OR, you can purchase that separately as your funds allow.

Yet in the long-run, you WILL have access to what all my other Students have access to.

Choose a Pricing Plan

DSL Monthly Members PILOT PROGRAM for First 30 Participants

per month
The First 30 People who sign up for this DSL Membership will get the $47.00 per month price. After the first 30 Members, the price will go up AT LEAST $10 per month for every 20 or 30 people who sign up.

The idea for the intial low price is I need Your Participation in making sure the program is working smoothly and meets your needs.

So this is a Pilot Program to get the Membershp Up & Running as smoothly as possible. And, if I do a Great Job for You, I hope you'll give me a Testimonial I can use in my Marketing.

THEREFORE, if you stick with the program for 15 months, you'll pay $705 for what other people pay $2,700 to $3,000 for. EXCEPT, those who are paying the higher price will get personalized, One-on-One Mentoring & Coaching from me via Zoom, Skype or Phone.

DSL Monthly Membership PILOT PROGRAM — PLUS 1-on-1, Personal Mentoring / Coaching for 1st 30 Students

per month
This will inlcude what the Montlhy Membership offers, PLUS you'll have a Monthly 1-on-1 Phone, Skype or Zoom call with me for a Personalized Educational Experience.

The Personal, 1-on-1 calls will be geared to whatever questions you have. It will bascially be Ask Me Anything.

Whether it's about learning the DSL educational material, or questions about starting a new practice, or how to integrate the new therapy method into what you already do, I'm there for you.