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Here's a love letter to yourself, Mama.

Being a new mama is wonderful yet intense at the same time. Our heart expands with love in ways that we didn't think possible, the first time they squint and yawn, and as their little fingers wrap around ours. Overnight, our thoughts and dreams are now consumed by a mini version of us.

It is easy to deprioritise our own recovery, in the midst of it all. Through pregnancy and childbirth, we give so much of ourselves, and it's so important that we fill our cup first.

If you are wondering how to eat well, move well and live well in the fourth trimester, our on-demand postpartum wellness programme (Dear PostPartum Mama) is for you.

About Move Well, Mama

Love from Mamas

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"Gayle is very meticulous. Whether in person session or online zoom session, she would notice whether you are coping well with the movements or noticed the aches that I was having and suggests tweaks to the movements. She will always check in the day before the session to see if there’s anything I want to work on or how am I feeling etc. Lessons with her is never dull and I always feel so much more energised after that. Thanks Gayle!"

— Gladys

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Every class with Gayle is a little different, she takes time and effort to plan her lesson each week and modifies the exercises to suit different type of students (pregnant mums or postnatal mums trying get back in shape). Even though the classes are conducted via Zoom, it’s easy to follow her instructions and I look forward to my weekly class with her! I recommended some friends to Gayle and they were happy with her services too. :)

— Claire

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After the (clean eating) challenge, these habits have stuck with me and I hope they will for a long long time to come because they have made me feel better about myself; more confident, energetic and more in control - able to take charge of my life and make better choices. Her coaching has gently nudged me in the right direction, to persevere and find creative ways to achieve what I want given the constraints, and to always take things one step at a time. Any small progress deserves a pat on the back and deserves to be celebrated! I am grateful to her for all she has done for me and I urge others to give her programmes a try, and experience for yourselves its positive effects!

— Weenee

Questions we get real often

About Gayle

Gayle founded The Pilates Life in 2016. For the last decade, she has been helping mums gain strength and mobility, as they navigate the transformative phases of pregnancy and motherhood.

Expect a low-impact yet invigorating class with Gayle, as she fuses pilates matwork with mobility and functional movements, taking it up a notch with the effective use of props. Mums can safely ease themselves into exercise, through re-connecting to their core and pelvic floor; as well as learn functional movements that will help them with lifting and carrying their growing baby day in and out. 

A mum of two, Gayle is also certified in nutrition coaching and enjoys sharing the occasional wellness tip with her clients. It is her dream to help more women to eat, move and live better, as they embrace the wonders and chaos of being a Mama.

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Got a question or request?

We'd love to hear from you! Please send through your comments or feedback and we will get back to you soon.

P.S. If you are looking to do gifting for a dear friend, drop us a message here and indicate the following in the message box: your friend's name, email address, and the programme you're interested in.