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Optimizing varietal thiols


About the authors

Christophe Gerland is a microbiologist and winemaker. Christophe conducts consulting activities in collaboration with worldwide winemakers

Corentin Quemener is an agriculture engineer specialized in wine. He created two companies in the wine field: one in consulting and training and the other in the wine commerce

Marco Li Calzi, PhD was a Professor of Enology and Sensory Science at the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, then at the Ecole d’Ingénieurs de PURPAN, Toulouse, France. Marco is now a trainer/instructor and a consultant

Michel Moutounet, Doctor of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse. Consultant, expert at the OIV. Research career at INRA in plant technology and oenology. Research Director at INRA (1982-2008), Consultant Professor SupAgro Montpellier (1994-2008), Director of IEHV (2006-2008)