- All Products
- Reading and Writing Aids
- The Conflict of the Ages
- Contemporary Suspense and Relationships
- Historical Romantic Suspense
- The Great Thirst
- Men of the Realmlands
- Ephron the Hittite
- Allegorical Fantasy Medieval and Contemporary
- Biblical Studies Student and Teacher Editions
- The Space Empire Saga
- Benny and the Bank Robber YA Historical Adventure Series
- Illustrated Antidisestablishmentarianism and serial versions
- Antidisestablishmentarianism and serial versions
- The Alexander Legacy Steampunk Literary Tribute Series

About Me
Mary grew up in rural NY and Michael is from AZ. We met at college, taught school in AZ, MO and PA, homeschooled, and created curriculum and videos for church and commercial productions. We have three supposedly grown children and traveled the 48 states and Canada together in a tractor trailer.
Findley Family Video Publications has the key verse “Speaking the Truth in Love” from Ephesians 4:15. We have four main goals:
To Present a Biblical Worldview
To Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ
To Edify Believers
To Teach and to Delight
Findley Family Video Publications has the key verse “Speaking the Truth in Love” from Ephesians 4:15. We have four main goals:
To Present a Biblical Worldview
To Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ
To Edify Believers
To Teach and to Delight