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THE CHRISTMAS ANGEL - A Children's Christmas story with a moral


MR PICKWICK'S CHRISTMAS - the Pickwickians spend Christmas at the manor farm in Dingley Dell -Charles Dickens


HOLLYHOCK HOUSE - A Story for Girls


UNCLE WIGGILY'S SQUIRT GUN plus Two Other Adventures


RUMPTY-DUDGET'S TOWER - A Children's Fairy Tale Adventure


XHOSA FOLK & FAIRY TALES - 21 Xhosa children's stories from Nelson Mandela's homeland


THE MAGICAL LAND OF NOOM - A Children's Fantasy Adventure


THE BOOK OF FRIENDLY FAIRIES - 15 Fantasy and Fairy stories for children


LEGENDS of THOR - 17 Legends and Adventures of Thor, god of thunder


THE HAPPY PRINCE AND OTHER STORIES - A unique children's book by Oscar


Maidu Folklore Myths and Legends


9 eBooks of Enchanctment, Magic and Wonder for Children


STORIES OF EL DORADO - 28 Myths and Legends about the Fabled City of Gold


OLD FRENCH FAIRY TALES - Classic French Fairy Tales


LULU's LIBRARY - Vols. I, II & III by Louisa May Alcott - 3 Book series
