☆GeekieFox's Lil Fox Den☆
Smol Creator Who's a bit of a Dumbass, can't commit to a single design, and is just starting out. <3
My Card - https://geekiefox.carrd.co/
Smol Creator Who's a bit of a Dumbass, can't commit to a single design, and is just starting out. <3
My Card - https://geekiefox.carrd.co/
Asset Terms Of Use and Service
Worlds Terms Of Use And Service
In My Discord Server you can follow along with my Work in progresses, Make choices on the up coming models and assets, Know first thing when i upload something new, and get access to new freebies and discount codes for my avatars and assets. <3
I'm a small avatar creator who comes from Alaska. I have a strong love for creation and making things of my own. From Avatars, Assets, Streaming, Art, and Video Creation. I wanna get really good at this avatar making thing, and any model or asset you buy just makes it even more possible for me to keep doing this.
If you ever have problems contacting with one of my Avis, Assets, or with payment let me know at
onlybug or geekiefox on discord or at the email address geekieanimation@gmail.com