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My People <3

So I wanted to make a dedicated section here on my store for the lovely people who have made it possible for me to get avatars out and to create what I create. These people range from Avatar Testers, Photographers, and flat out inspirations for my work. I wouldn't be able to do what i do without them.

Xtended Reality

This man is my life partner and has been a rock for me through every hardship in the last couple of years. He inspires me as well as names most of my avatars. He's an amazing content creator and amazing person he has made a toggle show case for me on one occasion and has had to remind me to unmute my own toggle showcases more then once. I love this man so much and I would not have been able to start doing what I do now without his support, please go check him out and show him support as well if you have the time.

Nicolas Cassie

Cassie has been taking photos for my avatars for at least a year now. They are one of the photographers and friends I know who is always willing to take photos in any avatar I make. Constantly giving me useful feed back, on any number of issues, and never judging me but praising me for how well I'm doing. They are an amazing and sweet human being. Always soo smart and endearing no matter what If you ever need some amazing photos feel free to contact them, because their great.


This lovely lady has only recently come into my life but has been an amazing friend. They're a upcoming creator and an amazing content creator. They are so sweet and funny and look forward to continuing to work with them and for you guys to see how sweet she is too.