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Cancer is a dis-ease

Cancer is a dis-ease

If you have been following so far, you may be more unsure of what cancer is right now than before you started reading this piece. 

This talk of “matrix,” “energy” and so on, may be disheartening to some. It may all sound intangible, unquantifiable, and thus unhelpful. This is understandable but a false assumption. 

Plus we haven’t even gotten to the psychological aspects of the disease. 

It is favourable to be confused or questioning in the learning process, to exist in the grey, in the “don’t know.” 

Try, if you can, to just trust the process, answers to complex questions ain't going to be answered so simply. 

I think a good place to start is by saying that cancers are not the fault of the individual with cancer. That’s like saying that the cold felt by standing in the shade of a tree is the fault, or caused, by the individual. 


And it’s not the tree's fault either. Or the Sun’s etc. It is just the way it is, the interactions of various physical and non-physical factors dancing together to form these sensations in the conscious field of the individual.

I bring this important point up firstly because it is true, and secondly because it is very unhelpful to think otherwise. 

It can be worryingly lonely to be diagnosed with the disease state, and a sense of self-blame may creep in, worsening the outcome. 

Cancer is a disease. 

More specifically, what differentiates it from other diseases is that it is characterised by a lack of inter-cellular cohesion and intelligence, resulting in abnormal and uncontrolled material bodily growth. 

But first and foremost, it falls under the diagnosis of a dis-ease. 

Cancer is a dis-ease. 

Not feeling at ease. 

Or to put it even more plainly, like all diseases, 

it arises from a repeated state of where one is never fully experiencing the state of nowness or being present. 

The only reality. The body and spirit are split. 

Why do cancers only really affect humans and caged animals?

Because many humans and caged animals are stressed, live lives unnatural to what they were made for, overthink, and worry. 

Cancers, like all dis-eases, occur due to a misalignment of flesh and spirit. 

Body and soul. 

Material and prana. 

The past and future (the future are thought projections of a supposed future made by incomplete knowledge and past memories, so all is actually past) do not exist in actual total reality.

When one does not exist in the moment, which is the only reality one has, then it tells our body that there is a threat present, this is why our human ancestors would overthink, because a tiger was nearby, for example. The threat can be both external and internal, from a lack of sleep, to doing taxes, heavy metals, and even parasites. 

That’s one reason for overthinking. 

And it’s worsened when appropriate action isn’t taken and when one (falsely) believes one is their thought. 

“I am stressed, poor, fat, lonely etc”

You are not. 

You are. 

And the rest is an addition. 

What makes us different from our ancient ancestors, is that though our lives have become more convenient in some ways, it seems like more people are ruled by the stresses of life, fragmenting, materialising and intellectualising problems, aka using the mind to solve issues caused by the mind. That ain’t going to work out in the long run. 

The mind, being as wonderful as it is, can’t fathom the infiniteness of life, whatever answers it churns up will never prove to be complete. This externalises into incompleteness of the world and eventually hypocrisy. 

This hypocrisy can cause stress itself, worsening the whole issue.

This long term, or chronic, psychological stress is one reason for why there is a high and growing burden of chronic illnesses within the population. 

It all stems from here. Fragmentation internally causes external fragmentation. There is a lack of completeness in outer society, which then increases the physical burden too via inappropriate living conditions conducive to long term health.  

To effectively address any dis-ease including cancer, one must find ease again. 

Ego death allows this to happen. 

Cancers are not your fault because there is no “you” like many think there is. 

Healing is this journey towards the present moment, unburdened by both psychological and bodily stresses. 

In the now, there is alignment. 

No alignment creates excessive stress, and in some, this excessive stress over a long enough time, manifests itself as cancer. 

Cancer is a dis-ease. 

Prompt: /imagine your interpretation of "cancer is a dis-ease" in the most beautiful art you can muster, high quality please - Upscaled (4x)