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Q&A Membership

Do you have a scientific query you think I can help with, too specific for Google or ChatGPT, but too simple to warrant a one-to-on session?

You've come to the right place.

Become more informed about your health

Many of you have contacted me with questions too specific or obscure for Google or AI to answer. I am always flattered. Thank you.

Noticing that many of your questions would help others, I thought: Why not create a membership where you can ask me questions and the answers can be shared with all other members? In this way, we're all learning.

If you have no questions but would like to support me, then this is also welcome!

Remember that if your questions are too specific/personal or require a longer format answer, then a one-on-one session with me may be a better option.

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Monthly Pricing Plan

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Yearly Pricing Plan

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