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Forcefield you say? Where?

If I were an assuming man, and though the word “assume” is seemingly twisted into this sinful emotion in a lot of circles, I see it as a useful trait when used correctly. One must assume the other person may act a certain way as a result of other behaviours, for the empathetic trait to take effect, for example. I must assume it will hurt your face if I punched it.  

In reality, all are assumptions. 

“In simpler terms, if you had an invisible forcefield around you, all your cells and organs, keeping it all ticking correctly and looking healthy, 

then in someone with cancer, it seems like this net is disrupted.”

Okay, so forcefield

Reading the word “forcefield,” I can only assume (wink wink), that in some this will trigger childhood memories of playing with Star Wars figurines, in others, an imagined construct of a bubble or light hue around the body. And on reading this and then inferring with one's own perception of visualised reality, one may come to the conclusion that I am going absolutely insane. 

Firstly, I may, I am open to that, and I look at your assumptions of me with near no care. 

The only thing that gets to me is subjecting me to unnecessary suffering for simply stating congruent truths. 

I am crazy to who? Who are you comparing me to for the label of crazy?

If it is to the average person currently, then yes, it seems like I have gone mad. 

Openness is the key to personal freedom. 

You’re here, maybe it’s a sign to stay. 

Maybe not. 

Just because concepts cannot be seen doesn’t prove it wrong. And just because mainstream science hasn’t caught up with the totality of evidence available doesn’t make a thing false. Crystals, sound waves, mushrooms, and things like that, all heal. 

It would be wise to get comfortable with other modalities of healing, it seems like it is becoming a popular future reality. 

Understanding that, it is still nice to get some base of evidence to make claims, that is pattern-recognition, science, magic, divination, whatever you want to call it. 

Do we have evidence for force fields?

Scientifically, one is only a Google search away from knowing these truths. If one takes 4 seconds to type in “human beings emitting light pubmed” into Google, the first thing that pops up for me is, 

“The human body literally glimmers. The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. Ultraweak photon emission is known as the energy released as light through the changes in energy metabolism.”

I click the link, and scroll down to this image. 

So human beings can emit light? So what? Big whoop. 

Well firstly, yes massive whoop, we are literal lightbulbs with the ability to manipulate this energy. What if someone emitted more light overall than others, would it affect their life? What would happen if other factors of their health and life were improved?

Combine this with the knowledge of quantum mechanics, basically stating that there is a world of energy that exists and makes up what we experience as this reality. 

Think of the power behind an atom bomb. 

Aether, has been toyed with by the intellects of the past. 

There’s that scientist, I forget the name of, who contained blue energy in a box. 

Basically there is a reality from where this reality comes from. 

If you still don’t believe me and want quantum proof, read David Bohm’s work.

It is all energy, material matter, the dust between fingers is just more slowed down energy. Ice compared to water. 

And so by extension, we are energy. 

Energy forms structure, and structure dictates energy utilisation. 

Let’s take a breather. 

And I haven’t even gotten to the spiritual understanding of the Spirit, chakras, energy fields. 

All we need to know at this stage is that we are energetic beings, and so cancer must include an issue with energy. 

There’s your forcefield. Or energy field I should say. 

Prompt; Imagine/ a forcefield around a woman sitting on a forest log, in the style of Henri Rousseau (Upscale 4x)