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The unhealing wound.

5 years ago or so I think, I developed a lesion on my left foot. We were told it to be a wart.  At that time, I believe, we self-treated it with the good old watch-and-wait, then over-the-counter sprays, creams, etc. until finally my naked foot was found planted on a piece of tissue placed on top of a 90s dental-chair-looking-bed, naked and under interrogation-yellow spotlight, facing a masked being armed with metal instruments. 

I just wanted the thing gone, I didn’t enjoy the stigma it somehow brought upon itself, but I wanted it gone for as cheap as possible, I wasn’t breaking the bank account in the process. That is what I thought at the time.  

The kind lady in the highstreet-podiatry-chiropractic building froze the thing and fiddled around with it, I forget in which order. 

Anyway, that was it it seemed, I was sent home, with a plaster and a lollipop (minus the lollipop)  

I didn’t want to go back. 

It didn’t go away. 

I didn’t go back


Well it was gone, 

but the skin around the treatment had scarred, leaving a little deep wound. 

I thought time would heal it. 

Years went by.

More recently, like a year and half ago, I went to a private surgeon to see to it, 

He agreed it was dead tissue practically, but insisted on freezing it again, just to be sure.


Froze it.

And again. 

Then he moved out to a different area. Leaving me surgeon-less locally. 

Surely now, it must have done something, stimulating growth and healing. 


Over these years, my physical body not only changed, but my understanding of health widened. 

And so I began treating it with things here and there, but nothing ever too consistently. 

I think in the back of my mind I knew it needed a more focused approach. 

I also feel that it was meant to have existed for an answer bigger than my then known expectations. 

I didn’t feel rushed to heal it

Cancers are practically non-healing wounds. 

Tissues are a group of cells, like skin, muscle, the thing you can pinch on and in someone. 

I like to see tissue-healing as a spectrum, from complete healing balance, so one's skin going back to “normal” after damage, to dysfunctional healing

From discoloration, tightness, scarring, to non-healing, and then even non-healing growth and spread

Cancers are what we refer to the words in bold above. A non-healing growth and spread

The matrix, the communication between cells and between layers of cells, has become so widened and dysfunctional that it engulfs itself in real hopes of survival and toxin sequestration. 

The net breaks. 

Fish are released. 

The why is why I bring my foot into the picture. 

To intelligently heal a non-healing wound with minimal damage to the whole structure of the organism

is a mark of a good sculpture no?

I have theories 

and the recent formation of a growth on my dog’s back  and a poor paw has led me to need to write about this now. 

The journey is towards cellular togetherness. 

In my case, the answers are simpler, because the macroorganism, me as a whole, is quite healthy, 

I have an ongoing wound because there are dead cells encapsulating the mucosal layer, as means of protecting the whole structure from pathogenic disease, 

However, this can stop the healing process from happening. 

The wound doesn’t get plugged up and together. 

If one can heal an unhealing wound, then by extension, one may be better aided to have the tools to treat cancer, 

the ultimate unhealing wound. 

The journey is towards cellular togetherness.