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What is cancer actually though?

Ask MidJourney, the creative text-to-art-drawing artificial intelligence app (a mouthful I know), “imagine you have no human understanding of the word "cancer", how would you draw it? In the style of Henri Rousseau”,

 and it crafts the image above (the previous article), well four images, but I picked the first one. 

Somewhat pleasing to the eye. Maybe in that world, there is no concept of cancer because it doesn’t exist? Regardless, as you can agree, it probably is not what you think of when you hear the word or think of the word cancer. 

C a n c e r 

Does it evoke fear? What do you see? Maybe you’ve overcome it? Do you understand it? Is this the first time you are asking yourself this question?

If our memories were both erased and we were presented with a skin tumour on one arm and a separate healthier arm, … obviously attached to the person, in a warm room, a peaceful environment, all consented, no animals hurt, the cancer was later treated, forget all of that…

One would have a uniform, regular,  pattern to the skin of the arm that you see, whilst the other had some sort of growth, or extra bit, non-regular, unsymmetrical and seemingly dangerous quality to it? 

Can you feel that underlying primal urge to look away? Even with that thought?

If we’ve ever going to learn anything about anything, we must sit with it a little. 

Cancer is like that. 

A crying baby. 

A sign, 

not a threat.

Well a threat to life, only when left too long, over to ignorance, or just because one may not know how to treat it. Some are unfortunately unlucky. 

Ultimately, it is all out of our hands. 

With the knowledge that human beings are actually spiritual light, just like everything else in the universe, the understanding of cancer changes. 

To me, at this moment in time, cancer seems to be an issue with the overall intelligence of cellular matrix adhesion. I’ll go into it a little before I explain it simpler. The integrity of organic structures like trees, flowers, insects, humans, to flourish, requires a balancing of both internal and external factors as well as a near infinite other factors both appreciated and non-appreciated by mainstream humankind. 

Remember, reality as we know it is only a fraction of what is truly out there, filtered through our minds. And not only that, but science, is tainted with the bias of the intellect before it even takes off the ground. 

In simpler terms, if you had an invisible forcefield around you, all your cells and organs, keeping it all ticking correctly and looking healthy, 

then in someone with cancer, it seems like this net is disrupted. 

The location of cancer; why it happens in some and not in others; why the seeming rise in cancers and especially in those young? 

We’ll get to those questions, one way or the other soon. 

Let’s see if MidJourney can help me out again. 

A painting of a forcefield of purple hue around every cell of a perfect naked human body and around the whole organism, all in the style of Henri Rousseau - Upscaled (4x)

Again, not what I had in mind, but I like it.