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About Me

A little about me and why I chose this path... from the time I was young, I was able to sense Spirit all around me, whether it was a person or animal. I didn't understand why no one else saw what I could. I was told I had a wonderful imagination, but nothing more. I knew I was different, and learned to keep it quiet. As I got older, my empathetic gifts blossomed, and I often found it challenging to be around a lot of people, as well as my dreams becoming very lucid and giving me premonitions of various events. At this point I made a concerted effort to try to block anything and everything I was feeling. It was during this stage I began "playing" with Tarot Cards as an outlet for the restlessness that was being buried inside me, and I found it to be an amazing outlet for my gifts.

It wasn't until my 30's that Spirit would not allow me to ignore them any longer, and I accepted who I was meant to be wholeheartedly. I began studying through the SNUi, and taking courses through there with the Arthur Findlay College schematic in Mediumship and Spiritualism, where I found my passion and my purpose. I also began taking courses here in the US & UK through Mediums such as Lisa Williams, where I became certified as an International Psychic Medium, and in 2017 a Master Teacher with LWISSD. I have also studied under John Holland and Gordon Smith.

I have taught at LilyDale, done platform events internationally, and have found my joy in teaching in order to give back the knowledge I have gained over the years. My Soul purpose is in healing and helping those on this side to find peace, closure, and direction, along with guiding and nurturing each individual on their own Spiritual Path. 

I am blessed by God with these gifts, and would love to be able to share them with you. Have a beautiful day!




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