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God This Sucks!

Sometimes life sucks. Period. That is our reality. Sometimes you go through spaces where you start to question why you should even bother. Nothing seems to be going your way. Everything that can go wrong decides to do exactly that. I should know. That is the exact space I am in right now. The dreams I envisioned for myself seem to be just that, dreams that will never see the light of day. We go through the stages of grief. We are in denial about the state we are in. Then we get angry with God or our circumstances. When we get to acceptance, it is more in an apathetic frame of mind. We no longer care and just let things be. If you are a Christian like me, you are tired of hearing all those cheery Bible verses about how things will work out when all you see is utter bleakness. I mean deep down you believe that God will come through but He just doesn’t seem too interested in the present moment so you throw your hands up in resignation; Which somehow is exactly what God seems to want you to do.

Could there be a reason for this ‘sucky’ part of our life? Is there a bigger plan in play? Is God truly orchestrating things for our good? Why do we have to go through these ‘sucky’ times anyway? If you are in the same boat as me, join me as I go on a journey to healing and joy. Yes, joy because right now, I can tell you for free that I am not happy and I know it so I will not be clapping my hands!