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The Lie That Destroyed A Generation of Women

They told me that anything a man can do, I could do better.

They told me that the patriarchy is oppressive and that I needed to fight it.

They told me that I need to be more aggressive to survive in a male dominated world.

They told me that I need to compete with men to prove that I am their equal.

They told me that I need to be self-sufficient so that no man can take advantage of me.

They told me my innate desire for marriage was a slap in the face to the women’s liberation.

They told me that being a housewife was a betrayal to the women who marched on the streets.

They told me that aspiring to be a stay at home mom was a bowing to the patriarchy.

They told me that wanting to be cared for by a man was a sign of weakness.

They told me that pursuing my career and breaking the glass ceiling would be fulfilling.

They told me that me that I don’t need a man because I am an empowered woman.

They told me that marriage and children would hinder me from achieving career success.

They told me that I could make it on my own and men were expendable.

They told me that I would be happy having adopted this mindset and living it out.

They lied!

I can’t do anything a man does because I am not a man, I am a woman.

The patriarchy is only oppressive when it is weaponised.

I don’t need to be an aggressive woman to survive; I just need to be me.

I am not meant to compete with men because we are fundamentally different and unique.

Self-sufficiency is overrated and will not prevent me from being taken advantage of.

God built me with a desire for companionship and it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Being a housewife is a noble task and ought to be celebrated as a worthy pursuit.

Caring for one’s children is the highest form of self-sacrifice and service one can do.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be pampered and spoilt by a man.

There is more to life than my career which constitutes only one aspect of my life.

I appreciate the importance and necessity of men because I am an empowered woman.

Marriage and children are part of my success and fulfillment.

It takes a village and men are a fundamental and paramount part of that village.

This mindset is a sham that applauds women who deny their femininity leaving them unfulfilled.

Who is the ‘they’?

Modern Feminists

What is the lie?

Women can be like men and therefore don’t need them

What is the result?

A generation of women in their late 20s disdaining marriage but embracing baby daddies, ‘sperm donors’, hook up culture and self-advancement

A generation of women in their late thirties realizing that their career is not enough, they actually want kids and that men are not the enemy after all

A generation of women in their late forties with illustrious careers, big houses and posh cars who regret not getting married or having kids living a sad and unfulfilled life