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What’s The Point?

Raise your hand is you wrote and self-published three books in a year? My hand is raised, just so you know. One of my dreams is to be a best-selling author. I wanted to write books that help people become everything God designed them to be and in the process make a million or three. I see the amusement in your face; the question in your mind. You know the question, ‘So how’s that working out for you?’ This must make you wonder why I am yet attempting to write a blog. Well this time, I don’t care about the million or three. This time, I am writing because I want to tell my story and if I only have three readers for this blog, I’m good. Okay, I lied. I should at least get seven readers. In short, if I coerce my entire family to read this, I’ll be set. See, no way I can fail now! Progress made!

It is not like I wasn’t able to totally sell any of my books. I did. I have faithful friends and church communities, who bless their heart, are always willing to support me and buy whatever book I churn out. My problem I guess is that book selling is a business and I barely made a profit. Well, at least I broke even on some of the books. So why did this suck? I guess it’s because I didn’t sell as many as I would have liked. Perhaps my strategy wasn’t the best. Guys, writing, self-publishing and self-marketing is hard work! I am virtually a publishing house of one in an effort to cut costs. Why oh, why did I do this to myself?

Once I had finished marinating in disappointment, I realised that my main cause for distress was unrealistic desired outcomes. I figured I would write a book, market it and it would be an instant success. I am a millennial, so sue me! I quickly was made aware that I was yet to learn the painful lesson of patience. When we ask God to give us patience, we assume He will magically impute it into our beings and we will suddenly become these long suffering individuals. You are so dead wrong. From my experience, God will teach you patience by giving you an annoying co-worker at work. When you tell your child not to kick the ball in the house for the umpteenth time is when you are well on your way to getting your Diploma in patience. It sucks right? Told you!

The reality I have leant is that God is more interested in our character than our comfort. He will take away our comforts if they will assist in our character building. Trust me, I would know. My books sales have taught me one thing, there is no overnight success. The so called overnight successes patiently worked on their dreams in obscurity for years before receiving any recognition. Patience is a virtue indeed; a virtue that God clearly is teaching me through my journey as an author. Yes, I am an author even if my books are not in a bookstore. At least you can find them on this site though!

God uses everything, especially our sucky situations to mould us into the person He created us to be. Is it pleasant? Heck no. Do I enjoy it? Not really. But God one way or another helps me see the silver lining even if it is merely a sliver of a lining. Another valuable lesson on the road to ‘surrender’. So today I choose to once again rest in the words of David. The guy had some awesome insights. Small wonder, he had a sucky life too for a decade or two.

‘I believe that I shall see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yea, wait for the LORD!’ (Psalm 27:13-14)