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You don't own a fancy Kindle, Nook or Kobo reader!

You don’t need one! 

I’m guessing you own a phone or a tablet. My favorite app to read a book is the Google’s Play Book app. It is pre-installed on most Android devices. If it isn’t you’ll find it on Play Store (works on Apple devices too).  

The Play Books app has some cool features:

  • It has a natural page turning feel to it.
  • It allows you to tap on a word to find the definition without leaving the page.
  • You can highlight passages in different colors, leave notes and include bookmarks.  
  • The book is always with you, in your Google library, whenever you need something to read. Stuck somewhere. You got your book, even if offline.

I highly recommend you give it a try if you haven’t yet.

After downloading the app, you need to change one setting to download your own EPUB books. (this is only done once). 

  1. At the top right of the Play Book app, tap your profile picture.
  2. Tap Play Books settings.
  3. Check the box next to Enable PDF uploading. (even if this says PDF, you need to do it for EPUB)

From now on, anytime you want to add EPUB in PLAY BOOKS library:  

  1. open the email with the attached EPUB
  2. Tap the attachment -> Upload to Play Books. 
  3. The book will load in your Play Books Library! (be patient it could take 2min) 

Let me know if you enjoy Play Books app! Cheers!

Author of scifi and horror gymbro

Hugo Bernard

Author of Science Fiction and GymBro Horror.