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Book #2 and #3 bundle

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"...continues at breakneck speed from start to finish, with a plot that keeps pulling the rug out from under you."

- Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite.

Reality is slipping away…

Coherence is the second novel in the REPLIKA trilogy and picks up from where Sky's Mission ended.

Discovering the secrets of his mother's research, Morgan sets out to defeat Henry and rescue Aviva from the Red Masks.

When Aviva suspects the Red Masks are not the only ones trying to control the Virt, she must make a tough decision that may spark a deadly conflict in the city streets.

Hugo Bernard crafts another page-turning technothriller while offering an original outlook on how simulated realities can redefine our existence.

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  • EPUB (478KB)

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Author of scifi and horror gymbro

Hugo Bernard

Author of Science Fiction and GymBro Horror.