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About Betty Bethards and the Inner Light Foundation

Betty Bethards was a prominent Bay Area meditation teacher, psychic/mystic counselor, spiritual healer, and author. She was known as the Common Sense Guru. Her publications, lectures (now available for download), and media appearances have helped millions of people in their search for self-knowledge.

Betty started the Inner Light Foundation in 1969 promoting the development of individual spirituality and was actively teaching, lecturing, and writing books until her death in 2002.

Betty offered no crash course guarantees and no overnight solutions to help people see their inner insights. Instead, she taught a new attitude of living and being, rooted in the daily practice of meditation.

The Inner Light Foundation is a non-denominational, non-profit organization engaged in spiritual teaching, healing, and publishing (section 501(c)(3)). The Inner Light Foundation was founded in 1969 by Betty Bethards and promotes the development of individual spirituality.