Your Cart

Mój Cyrk, Moje Małpy Hat


My Circus, My Monkeys


Mermaidcore Lace Poncho


Cuddly Chem Lab


The Technobabble Collection


Red Dog Blues Knit Hat and Scarf Set


Maienschein Knit Lace Hat


Gorignak Knit Hat


Campanulata Knit Cloche & Fingerless Gloves


I Heart Cloches ebook


La Bonita Knit Cloche


Nefret Knit Cloche


Whale Song : Hawaiian style block for machine embroidery


Simple Harp: Hawaiian style block for machine embroidery


Paraguayan Harp: Hawaiian style block for machine embroidery


About Me

Hi, my name is Caroline, and I've been fiber crafting all my life. Crochet, knit, embroidery, weaving, sewing, you name it! I've been designing patterns since 2011 to help others make cool fiber stuff too.

More about my adventures in designing, as well as random life and stuff:

All patterns and photos copyright Caroline Steinford, KnitDesign by Caroline.