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Kristfinity Scarf


About Me

I’m Kristen Jeffers a Greensboro, NC born, D(M)V area based queer Black femme-presenting, busyish, transit-adjacent possibility model for Black folks who are at least queer-affirming if not queer themselves to make their own clothing, home decor and other art and crafty things to reclaim ancestral knowledge and power and nurture the planet.

I mostly crochet, but I also embroider, sew, weave, surface print/graphic design, and demand that spaces and places of all kind are pro-Black, economically just and work with, not against, our natural resources. I also teach crochet and mentor budding Black queer designers and change makers. Here you'll find my craft work, but if you're interested in my urbanist newsletter and advocacy, that's right over at The Black Urbanist.