After an extensive month of sampling and research, I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with two fantastic suppliers for DTF (Direct to Film) and UVDTF printing: Mackie Direct and Inkfuse.
Tips for Preparing Your Designs for DTF/UVDTF Printing:
• Avoid semi-transparent elements: If your design includes watercolour or soft edges like fur, consider adding a background to eliminate potential transparency issues.
• Use solid colours: Solid colour designs transfer best in DTF/UVDTF. If your design requires transparency, it may be more suitable for other printing methods.
• Send designs as full pieces: Especially for complex designs like my fluffy Teddys characters, sending them as complete, background-included files will ensure the best results.
Mackie Direct has also been approved for Sublimation Prints.
If you have any questions please contact me.