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Sports Psychology Tips 🧠

From my own experience, as well as training many basketball players on just about every level one of the biggest obstacles is mental struggles, i've seen highschool players who had D-1 talent totally hinder their future potential due to their anxiety, lack of confidence, & other mental struggles that are not talked about with youth hoopers, hopefully, i can help you break through that mental barrier & you'll finally become the hooper you've always dreamed of being ❤️

Performance Anxiety 🧠

Performance anxiety SUCKS! I've dealt with it all my life, especially on the basketball court. When i was around the age of 9 i remember being so scared to dribble or shoot in my youth game, from my perspective everything was moving in slow motion, it felt like my feet were in quick sand, i had little to no feeling in any part of my body, & my mind was absolutely blank, the only thing i "felt" was fear. This carried on into highschool, but the year after i graduated in 2022-23 something changed. You see, after i graduated is when i started to train players in person, so i knew in order to train & teach players how to overcome mental problems on the court i had to overcome mine first. So what i did was go to the gym/park & play a bunch of 5 on 5, but with a strategy. Remember when i said my body/mind didn't allow me to dribble or shoot? Well, guess what i did as soon as I stepped on the court? I JUST STARTED DRIBBLING & SHOOTING A LOT. I did the opposite of what my brain told me to do, my brain told me i couldn't dribble, but i've been dribbling a basketball my whole life so obviously i could dribble, but i let my brain tell me otherwise, CONTROL your mind & your performance will skyrocket!

How To Improve Confidence? 🧠

The definition of confidence is "a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities." So to make it simple, if you want to improve your confidence you have to put in the work, if i practice shooting 200 pull up transition three's 4 days per week then chances are i'm going to be pretty confident to do it in the games.