❖ Name: Reese
❖ Author: Lily
❖ Body: Lithe+ with Vanilla hips
❖ Contributors: Thank you, Lye for Lithe+, Naama for the mesh, Roseberry for testing and giving me tips.
❖ Changes: Black summer Halter & Tanga, Moonfire Halter & Tanga, Southern Seas Shirt & Skirt, Southern Seas Swimsuit
❖ Races: All Tall Females [No lala]
❖ Programs Used: 3dsmax, Substance and Photoshop
Set 1: Chocolate
- Moonfire Halter & Tanga
Set 2: Strawberry
- Lace: Row 16
- Cloth: Row 1
- Black Summer Halter & Tanga (The variants have different color sets)
Set 3: Vanilla
- Metal: Row 16
- Cloth: Row 1
- Has the lithe legs and will hide your legs and replace them with the lithe legs.
- Southern Seas Swimsuit
Set 4: Matcha
- Lace: Row 14
- Ribbon: Row 16
- Metal: Row 8
- Cloth: Row 1
- Southern Seas Shirt & Skirt
This mod contains a paid license from Naama on Artstation, I only used the models and redid the textures.
Terms of Service:
- All edits must be private. If you wish to make them public please DM me
- do not port to Eve body or any unsupported bodies.
- Please do not share or repost this mod anywhere. If you want to commission someone to edit or adjust anything for my work please tell me first.
- Body mods will always use the Lithe+ model. Please don't port to other bodies without my permission.
- No NSFW lala ports or to be used on minors!
- This is a digital product, therefore no refunds can be given.
Contact Info:
Discord Contact: lilyway
If you decide to use the mod please tag #LilyGardens on twitter so I can see the screenshots!
Join my discord server!