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Commissions are closed!

Commission openings TBA. Join my server to be the first to know when they open up!

What makes us unique?

  • All of our Avatars are made with Love and Patience! our avatars are made with our customers wants and needs in mind!
  • Fast, Reliable communication. You will be notified every time your avatar is being worked on!
  • Flexible payment allowed!

Our Prices

Our Prices ⋆

Chibi Avatars

Chibi Avatars start at $35.

Our Chibi avatars come with One pair of ears & tail, one hairstyle, 3 tops and 2 bottoms, Eye texture edit/color to fit your design, Our custom facial animations, and 3 accessories of your choice. Accessories can be hats, necklaces, plushies you can hold, etc.

For every extra, Its an extra $5 on top of the asset price (ex. An asset you want added is $5, plus the $5 fee. So it would be +$10 onto your commission total).

Extra's are all, but not limited to, Extra set of ears/tail, Hair swap(s), over 3 accessories of your choosing, face texture edits (markings, freckles, etc.)

Any/All outfit addons are an extra $10 on top of the asset price (ex. An asset you want added is $5, plus the $5 fee. So it would be +$10 onto your commission total).

All assets that I do not own/need to go out of my way to buy, will go towards your total.

Starting price will raise depending on complexity.

Regular Commissions

Regular avatars start at $40

Our avatars come with One pair of ears & tail, one hairstyle, 2 tops and 2 bottoms, A Bikini, Our custom facial animations and head edit, and 3 accessories of your choice. Accessories can be hats, necklaces, Garters, plushies you can hold, etc.

I work with two heads. Sakura head by sleepy, and Bunisu v2 Head. You get to pick what style you'd like!

For every extra, Its an extra $5 on top of the asset price (ex. An asset you want added is $5, plus the $5 fee. So it would be +$10 onto your commission total).

Extra's are all, but not limited to, Extra set of ears/tail, Hair swap(s), over 3 accessories of your choosing, texture edits (markings, freckles, Small tattoos, etc.) I do not do fullbody texture edits. If there is a texture you would want to be added, we will negotiate.

Any/All outfit addons are an extra $10 on top of the asset price (ex. An asset you want added is $5, plus the $5 fee. So it would be +$10 onto your commission total).

All assets that I do not own/need to go out of my way to buy, will go towards your total.

Starting price will raise depending on complexity.

Avatar edit commissions

Avatar edits start at $10

To color swaps, Hair swaps, Added toggles, or a Head swap, you can guarantee our edits will spice up your avatar!

I work with two heads. Sakura head by sleepy, and Bunisu v2 Head. You get to pick what style you'd like!

For every extra, Its an extra $5 on top of the asset price (ex. An asset you want added is $5, plus the $5 fee. So it would be +$10 onto your commission total).

Extra's are all, but not limited to, Extra set of ears/tail, Hair swap(s), over 3 accessories of your choosing, texture edits (markings, freckles, Small tattoos, etc.) I do not do fullbody texture edits. If there is a texture you would want to be added, we will negotiate.

Any/All outfit addons are an extra $10 on top of the asset price (ex. An asset you want added is $5, plus the $5 fee. So it would be +$10 onto your commission total).

You must send me the avatar link to the avatar you want edited. the avatar price will be added onto your total as I need to own a license to the avatar as well. This does not apply if I already own the avatar. Marz avatars are also eligible for edit commissions!

All assets that I do not own/need to go out of my way to buy, will go towards your total. You must own the license to the asset(s) you want added.

You must get explicit permission from the avatar creator. You must own the rights to the avatar you want edited.

Starting price will raise depending on complexity.