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My First Vegan Pregnancy- What I Did and How I Felt- So nice to relive this time ;)

I've never really talked much about this part of my vegan life- maybe because I feel like both pregnancies flew by so fast, I wasn't even really able to catch my breath- and then we have little ones! Nobody really warns you what happens AFTER your beautiful pregnancy right? Your whole world changes. Nothing truly matters but this new life you created!

This is my FIRST pregnancy- I am sure some mommas can relate to wanting to do everything perfect while little peanut grows inside of you- just an FYI- I was way more chill about things with my second- can't wait to talk about my second pregnancy too as it's sooo different and almost the complete opposite. So if you're already a mama- you're amazing. Whatever you did, you did a wonderful job. Loving everyone on every journey! But I truly wanted to give some ideas and thoughts of what and why I did things as this was during my pure health journey <3

It was late 2016, and we had been vegan for a year. We decided we were going to start "trying" to have a baby. We had just come off of a water fast/juice fast to basically clean out my system, reset my body, heal in any way that I can before I begin to make a life in my tummy. We had also been actively taking medicinal mushrooms, and Phoenix Tears- which we had made ourselves at home and ingesting purely for health purposes. What it is is HIGHLY concentrated Marijuana leaves cooked down to a very potent oil. We would take the smallest drop ever known to mankind, about everyday for a few months, and I was on it for the last time, the night we conceived.

We tried a couple times- and that was it folks! I found out I was pregnant in the beginning of 2017. I went to my family doctor (who I hadn't seen since I went vegan) and he told me a few things- FIRST OF ALL, with a slight jaw drop, he rushed to get a test form so that I can check my levels- because vegan! He said we need to check my calcium, iron and b-12 stat. He also asked me when my last period was, I completely forgot my last one, perfectly regular- but i've never tracked it in my life. (I ended up guessing- so he gave me the due date based on my guess- and it was the exact date my son was born!)

Back to my pregnancy- super duper uneventful! I ended up researching about ultrasounds and after doing two I decided to forgo the rest. Didn't feel the need or trust that it was the best thing for baby. When my levels came back with my doctor, he told me he was very surprised at how perfect they were. Not only for a vegan but also being pregnant. Normally most women are on the lower end for iron but I wasn't. Maybe he's thought about veganism after our little talk ;) I ended up getting a midwife shortly after so I never ended up using an OB. I did not do the diabetes test because my midwife said basically there is no way I would have diabetes with my lifestyle, so no tests other than my bloodwork. I am not good for business, people! I kind of just trusted myself, my baby and my body. I can't control what happens and I dont feel like tests do either you know? But to each their own! I know so many wonderful friends and family who LOVE to peek in and see their growing bubs! All the love!

Dad and I travelled to Florida with his family, and a month later we lived in Toronto for the summer. I had INSANE amounts of energy. I was so excited, so upbeat, I think I felt the best i've ever felt. I also took a train to Ottawa to see my nana and my parents friends. I never suffered from any morning sickness, or sickness at all throughout the whole shebang. I remember craving a lot of fruit and raw foods. I loved avocado on crackers, smoothies and just good food- and lots of spice. Being a huge foodie we went HARD in Toronto with all the amazing vegan restaurants. I also did a lot of overnight oats with blackstrap molasses, lots of nut butters, and quinoa owls with all the veggies. Whole food, plant based baby!

We also had access to good quality, local, organic produce- which is something I took for granted- now living in Mexico 3 years later, organic has been hard to come by.

Ok so the part where I was pretty hardcore! You be the judge ;)

I feel like- know better, do better, and I truly feel like there are harmful chemicals in so many things I truly wanted to ease off of anything I didn't need so that I can give the little life in me the best start possible. I am not the gold standard- and i'd like to just give you what I did, to spread any tips you can take from this!

During my pregnancy, I didn't actually do much for superfoods as I feel like ya gotta ease up on the natural medicine while baking a baby. No raw cacao, matcha or any stimulants. I don't drink coffee, no marijuana (I actually am not a smoker, only the Phoenix tears but stopped when I was preggo) I also stopped any makeup (except on my sisters wedding) or sunscreen, even skincare. I didn't sue any deodorant- not even natural, just nothing. I would use olive oil or coconut oil on my body, and sea buckthorn oil on my face. I was also cognoscente of only drinking RO water, never water which contained fluoride, and I brush my teeth with coconut oil. Never ate out of plasic, or used any non stick pans or aluminum foil to wrap my food. I just felt that there are so many crazy chemicals we are exposed to daily that we cannot control- so I try to do my best in what I can control.

When you eat all plants, food wise there is nothing that is excluded on the list while pregnant, so it's a breeze in that way! I wouldn't buy plant milks or much for processed foods, just make my own if I feel like having some milk, and make my own cheese sauces (all in my cookbook!)

I also wanted to get my mind in top condition, so I was able to delete my instagram for the time I was pregnant to reduce not only the EMF Radiation (being on my computer lots for work too), and I definitely felt more sensitive- so the less noise (social media) around me, the better. Now a days I am a little more invested into social media so it might be a different story now ;)

I also spent time everyday envisioning my baby, crying happy tears, listening to high frequency, healing frequency music, talking to my baby, rubbing my belly and just dancing around freely with my little bubbah. I felt like I already knew him <3

I quit my career a few months before I became pregnant as our goal was for me to open up an online business, and live more minimal so that I can stay home. Besides the small travelling we did, I was resting and really taking it easy my whole pregnancy when I was home. Nourishing my body and really being quiet and at ease. I know people around me thought I was a bit extreme but I truly felt that while I am pregnant I am just here to support my body make this baby.

Throughout my pregnancy I did not suffer from any heartburn, no swelling, no water retention, no headaches, no body aches, no leg cramps. I felt like I could take over the world to be honest. I felt more confident that our plan of two kids back to back will have to happen now. I didn't gain much weight at all, and loved hearing everyones predictions of what sex I was having- lots of boy guesses due to it literally looking like I was carrying a watermelon only at the front!

A month before I was set to birth my first child, we travelled to Victoria for my sisters wedding, I was the maid of honor. I ran around like a mad woman for pretty much the whole thing. I gave a speech, I was really pregnant, and a bit too tired to go too hard at night but I was so in awe of how great this time was making my little baby.

My birth story will be saved for another day- but this whole experience was very healthy, chill and easy. I made it my mission to truly take care of myself throughout this time. I do feel that my vegan diet played a huge part in making this pregnancy a breeze, and it was really nice to live as simple as possible- which is key. If you are pregnant currently, I am sending you all the LOVE! And again, SO MUCH LOVE to all the mamas, always. Sending hugs to all!