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How To Treat PPP Naturally - E-book


About Me

About me and how I healed Palmoplantar Pustulosis naturally
​Who am I?

 I'm a Swedish woman in my prime who's trying to to live and enjoy life to the full. I have a daughter who's nearly 12 and married to an Irish man who just happens to be the best husband and father in the world. At the moment we are located in Gothenburg, Sweden, my home town and where we moved to from Ireland shortly after my daughter was born. I'm working full-time for an international company and are probably working a little too much, but life is good. When I'm not working I'm coaching my daughters football team as well as helping my readers of this blog and my book around the world to my best ability. 

I spend a lot of my time to research health and lifestyle changes, as the subject are now one of my main interest. This was not always the case but it became my calling after being really sick with Palmoplantar Pustulosis for a couple of years. 

Before developing Palmoplantar Pustulosis my immune system had gradually declined over a period of a couple of years., I did figure something was wrong but choose to ignore it. This was way before I finally received my diagnosis and it was explained to me I had Palmoplantar Pustulosis (PPP)

​It all started 6 months after my daughter was born. I always seemed to have a cold. I was continuously suffering with thrush (candida)  which understandably affected my love life, my skin got really bad and I developed Rosacea, a facial condition where your skin goes red and small little spots appear everywhere. I also kept getting a sty on my eyelid and the eyelashes kept falling off. All of this was warning signs which I at the time choose to ignore. Today I obviously beating myself up for it. My body was trying to tell me something wasn't right and to slow down. I was living in the fast lane and pushed myself too hard at work, I wanted to have a successful career, being a super woman and at the same time trying to be the perfect mother and wife. Well a sign of our times I suppose. I wasn't thinking nor caring about what type of food I put in to me. Food was not on my priority list back than as there was no time to prepare nutritious food, well so I thought. We all set our own priorities. 

It also shocked me a bit after receiving my Palmoplantar Pustulosis diagnoses there was no quick fix medication to take. I didn't know much about autoimmune diseases. Yes I knew of Diabetes 1, MS and Psoriasis, but that was something that happened to other people, not me. The doctors didn't seem to know much about the disease either. They suggested a few lotions and potions but that was about it. I had loads of questions but did not get any answers. Off home they sent me and eager to deal with the next patient. I had already gotten my 5 minutes which they are scheduled to dedicate to each patient here in Sweden.

It’s in my nature to seek out and find information when I want to learn something. I need to know the hows and the whys and find it hard just to do things without not knowing why I'm doing them.  When I began doing my research and looking in to the causes of this disease  I started to realise there might be natural ways to combat this. I couldn't just accept the words of my dermatologist “There is no cure, this is for life, you will never heal, this condition is chronic”. “You might be lucky and have spells of remission but you are going to have to learn to live with it”. I do agree with the doctors there's  no cure. A cure means you are taking something which eliminates the problem and it will never come back. I don’t think that’s the case with any disease. Once it’s there you will always be receptive to get it again if you do not maintain your body, and remove the root cause. 

I also sadly came to realise that most doctors have no or very little education in nutrition. They are taught how to treat a symptom and not the cause. An autoimmune disease are not a one single symptom but a cause and a result of loads of factors. 

Now eight years after not having a single outbreak of PPP I'm confident my healing system works and I want to help you to heal too. We all have different triggers to onset this disease and you need to understand which trigger is yours to be successful.

Please stay connected with me through my blog, and do join our Global Support group on Facebook for support from other sufferers who's dealing and combat this disease.    I would love to hear from you, so please sign up to my mailing list for updates of new blog posts.

All the best,
