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Shonna Ingram

As the creator and director of the Renewed Hope Approach, a trauma-informed, faith-based curriculum, I am deeply committed to guiding individuals and communities toward healing and restoration. With a wealth of resources and expertise, our curriculum blends psychological insights with Christian principles, offering a holistic approach to trauma recovery.

Whether you're a returning missionary seeking support or a church leader eager to equip your congregation, we're here to serve you. Our curriculum spans a range of resources, from comprehensive training modules to tailored programs for churches and small groups.

At Renewed Hope Approach, we believe in the transformative power of knowledge and compassion. We're just getting started on this journey, and we're thrilled to share all that we've learned and created with you. Together, let's connect, learn, and serve each other well as we navigate the path toward healing and hope. Thank you for considering joining us on this important mission.