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A Light in the Dark: Lessons from Nuremberg

Overall, I would call myself a "cautiously optimistic" person. Optimistic because there is always a way to get things done in a quality ethical way without bringing harm to others. Cautious because others often simply want to be the best, first, or only at any cost. They are not my tribe.

I serve a living God that sees us all as one. And while loving, compassionate, and merciful also holds intentional acts of evil accountable.

I also had the good fortune of being raised in a community that taught children "The Golden Rule". The golden rule being to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Every cake is only as good as the ingredients in the recipe. I believe in ethical ingredients. It tastes good and yes even better when their are no side effects. That said, I was very cautious and less optimistic about the covid19 mass immunization project.

If I've learned anything about new pharmaceutical drugs, it's that most doctors give "free samples" to patients and wait for feedback. People love free things and the covid19 vaccine is no different.

I had worked in Market Research for a few years. I can smell a "research study test" from miles away.

I know what some of you are saying. "You're being anti-American! or You're un-patriotic!"

Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is because I live in a land of opportunity that I write, share, and want to preserve that which is good. I also believe it's one's duty to help uproot evil, seek justice and remove what limits those beneficent opportunities for all when it's in your power to do so.

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another." Zechariah 7:9

I'll go a step further. I not only want that for my fellow Americans as it is their Constitutional right. I want human dignity for myself and for my global neighbors as well. It is our God given right. That's everything.

In order to be a good leader, one must have have a high standard for excellence. History has told us that America has had some "questionable" ethics in the past including the genocide of six million Indigenous people, slavery, and human experiments such as the Tuskegee Experiment 1932-1972 which is why there was such a lagging of initial participation with African Americans and Latinos which the CDC now admits.

In a similar and more recent "study", the FDA requested the results of Pfizer clinical trials for the government licensed COVID19 mass vaccine experiment not be made public for 75 years.

What? Are you kidding me?

That of course means most people in the Big Pharma "mass vaccination" experiment would have died (hopefully from natural causes). But they would somehow have access to autopsies for a "final report"?

That's my take on it. I could be wrong. But then again, that's just me being "cautiously optimistic".

Luckily, the judge thought otherwise. As of March 1, 2022, the 55,000 page document is being released 500 pages per month.

I have learned in life that the best way to uphold human dignity is with truth and accountability. However, some people still think dignity is for some and not for all.

One simple dignified message came from doctors in India. They took a more pragmatic approach to the corona virus. They asked and observed "who was getting it and what made some more vulnerable than others". As it turns out, a common denominator of most COVID19 patients was low amounts of Vitamin D.

I had wondered why we hadn't heard about mass cases in India and Africa (each with populations of over one billion people) in the media compared to other countries. People in India and Africa and the like have more access to daily sunshine.

We get most of our Vitamin D from exposure to sun light. That's it. It's as free and simple as that.

But for some, it was an opportunity. What kind of opportunity you ask?

Perhaps it's to control a growing world population which is approaching 8 billion at this writing. Perhaps it's to conduct mass research on trusting naive citizens of the world. I don't know.

Most vaccinated /boosted people signed off (release form signed under duress/panic) on this "world experiment" in good faith trusting their local government, big pharma, and other world government organizations. But is that trust well placed?

At the end of World War II, the American Government initiated the Nuremberg Trials to hold Nazi doctors like Josef Mengele accountable for horrific experiments done on Jews during the Holocaust. While on the surface, it seems very heroic. But upon further inspection, it was also out of curiosity.

While some of those Nazi doctors were imprisoned for crimes against humanity, many others were given USA asylum to "continue their studies" . Housing, expenses, and studies all paid for with U.S. tax dollars.

Only time will tell if there is any connection between these government funded bio labs, COVID19, Ebola, AIDS etc. Some even say the War in Ukraine is about gaining access to Bio Labs in that location.

Is this just an extension of the war between the USA and Russia that started between then USSR and the USA post WWII about gaining access to chemical warfare data (development of pathogens) after the Nuremberg Trials initiated by Adolf Hitler and then Nazi Germany? Who knows.

What is to be known is that people worldwide are waking up and smelling the pathological lies. It's an awful disease like condition being spread amongst governments worldwide and it needs to STOP now!

These days, it's best to just follow your tax dollar money trails. If they can't put it through Congress, they'll likely initiate some un-necessary war to funnel billions 9even trillions) of dollars out the "back door". many of us still need a clear explanation for the Korean, Vietnam, Afghanistan (no weapons of mass destruction found there) and now Ukraine (no one facilitating peace - just cash and more unmarked cash funneled out the door going where?).

Americans and the world are wondering. So many un-necessary distractions and ways to create confusion and panic which people are now beginning to see.

Clearly these vigilantes don't have a living GOD in their hearts nor a conscience. But I assure you; they will be held accountable. It's just a matter of time. They know it and now you do too. Watch and see.

"The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love." Psalm 33:5

"Endow the King with Your justice, O God, and the Son of the King with Your righteousness. May He judge Your people with righteousness and Your afflicted with justice. May the mountains bring peace to the people, and the hills bring righteousness. May He vindicate the afflicted among the people; may he save the children of the needy and crush the oppressor." Psalm 72:1-4

It's not all bad news. Some wonderful things are happening as well.

There are some people being very pro-active about their overall well being. They are taking back their power. They have turned this pandemic into an opportunity to live a better and more meaningful life.

When technology is used as intended, people can work from home and thus balance family and career. They are not on auto respond nor are they responding to the news in a state of fear and panic.

Many of them realize that there is a Divine Creator who loves them dearly. They have options.

Some have even started to pray for the first time in their lives. Having children will do that.

But for others, it's the mortgage, rent, credit cards, utilities that come due each month that has motivated them. Rising inflation and gas prices are only a confirmation that their new and improved lifestyle is best for them.

Many are experiencing a sense of calm and peace for the first time in years. Others it's for the first time ever. They never even knew it's was an option for them. Yet, it is.

Their job/career must now allow them the option to work from home, manage their children, and save money at the gas pump. Otherwise, they will discover and package their God given gifts/talents/expertise and learn how to freelance their services (via Linkedin, Freelancer, and Upwork etc) elsewhere setting their own rates.

It's a worldwide market now folks. People have options. They don't have to be cornered into making choices that go against their conscience.

Students can no longer be bullied into getting a "vax to play" (i.e. attend prom or after school activities). If people are confident in their vaccinations, then it should be no problem in being around people who are not vaccinated.

Fresh air and outdoor activities are healthy for everyone. It relieves stress and anxiety.

Bedazzle that mask and go to prom. Some parents may even choose to collectively rent a venue and have their own chaperoned prom with a built in "after party" for schools that demand they be vaccinated to attend their prom. Wash your hands when you get home as you should in any pandemic or otherwise normal condition.

Many have even moved to locations where they can enjoy a lower cost of quality living, get fresh air and sunshine. After all, if GOD is supplying all those things for free and building their natural immune system. Why not?

Peace and harmony is often the first step to better health. Many of their clients are even getting better service because they themselves are happier people.

People are learning they can control the "inner environment" of their hearts, minds, souls, and homes by putting themselves in a better position/ place for that to unfold in their lives. Their peace is a blessing which no man can take from them without their permission. Almighty GOD is on their side.

That said. They also learn that their government works for them, and not the other way around.

Calm down. Go for a quiet stroll. Think.

You may even choose to go on a fast or detox to cleanse your body. Pray. It cleanses the soul.

Start asking GOD, what's best for me, my family, my country, and the world at large? Then ask yourself, what is my part in making that a reality?

You will be absolutely amazed at what you learn. I certainly was.

There is power in numbers. Join a support group if possible. Your support group can be with friends, your family, community, your social media network online etc.

Unified people are powerful. Unified people with GOD's help are unstoppable.

You, me, we have the power to change things for ourselves and the next generation. That begins with Truth.

It must be built on a solid foundation of truth, justice, accountability, well being and righteousness for all (and not a select few). We can have positive change.

"You are to have the same law for the foreigner and the native-born. I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 24:22

We have each other. We have a living GOD who loves us and would do ANYTHING for us if we ask.

You must believe that. Because it's true.

GOD would love to hear from each and every one of us every single day of our lives. Our daily collective prayers can move major stumbling blocks from our families, society and governments at large.

It can't always be about what we want for ourselves alone. It must be what is best overall. That's usually what's best for each of us too.

We all once thought plastic was a great idea. Now look at the land fills, fish, oceans etc. Oops.

Prayer is something we can ALL afford to do daily. Let's start there. Prayer evens the playing field.

Everyone can participate. After all, it's free.

I look forward to seeing and hearing how we collectively destroyed the satanical new world order to create and build a new and better world for all. You?

The next generation will have a lot to talk about, think about, and from which to learn. Let's make sure it's a good, ethical and truthful story where good triumphs over evil.

This time it's not just history in the making. It's her-story too. We're all in it together.

LORD, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress, to you the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, “Our ancestors possessed nothing but false gods, worthless idols that did them no good. Do people make their own gods? Yes, but they are not gods!” “Therefore I will teach them this time I will teach them My power and might. Then they will know that My name is the LORD. Jeremiah 16:19-21


LeTicia Lee is Producer of the 4 part doc-u-series, My Love is One TELL THEM! Available on Vimeo.

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