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30 Day Content Calendar for Auction Businesses

30 Day Content Calendar for Auction Businesses

We all know the struggle with social media. I personally have a love/hate relationship. I love that I can connect with prospective consignors. I love that I can showcase consignments to buyers. I absolutely LOATHE staying in front of the social media algorithms. If you're like me, you need a plan to stay on top of things. Here's a 30 Day Content Calendar for your auction business. Now, this is structured for an auction house business model. If you are looking for a content calendar for contract auctioneers, let me know and I'll be happy to share as well.

Here's a 30-day content calendar guide tailored for auction owners who are seeking consignors on social media:

Week 1: Building Awareness!

Even if you've been in business a while, you may have new followers or friends on your social media streams. Take a few days to introduce your self. Maybe you've made some changes since your last introductory posts. Introduce your audience the new and improved version of your business.

Day 1-3: Introduction to Your Auction Business

  • Day 1: Introduce yourself and your auction business. Share your passion for auctions and your commitment to providing excellent service.
  • Day 2: Highlight the benefits of consigning with your auction business, such as competitive commission rates, personalized service, and wide exposure to potential buyers.
  • Day 3: Showcase your auction venue or online platform. Provide a virtual tour or showcase photos/videos to give consignors a glimpse of where their items will be featured.

Day 4-7: Share Success Stories

  • Day 4: Share testimonials from satisfied consignors. Highlight positive experiences and successful auctions.
  • Day 5: Feature a case study of a consignor who achieved exceptional results with your auction business.
  • Day 6: Highlight any unique or rare items that have been consigned to your auction. Showcase the diversity and quality of items available for consignment.
  • Day 7: Offer a special promotion or incentive for new consignors, such as a discounted commission rate or free appraisal service. *Make sure that you are clear on your pricing and do not engage in price discrimination.

Week 2: Engaging Content

So many times our buyers and clients only see what happens on auction day. Pull back the curtain and invite your social streams to witness what happens on a day to day basis.

Day 8-10: Behind-the-Scenes

  • Day 8: Take followers behind the scenes of your auction business. Share photos or videos of your team preparing for an upcoming auction.
  • Day 9: Introduce your team members. Share their backgrounds, expertise, and roles within the auction business.
  • Day 10: Show the consignment process in action. Highlight how easy and convenient it is for consignors to submit items for auction.

Day 11-14: Q&A Session

  • Day 11: Host a live Q&A session on social media. Invite followers to ask questions about consigning with your auction business.
  • Day 12: Answer frequently asked questions about the consignment process, fees, payment timelines, and more.
  • Day 13: Share tips and best practices for preparing items for consignment. Offer advice on pricing, presentation, and packaging.
  • Day 14: Invite followers to share their consignment success stories or experiences with your auction business.

Week 3: Educational Content

Profitable clients and customers are usually well educated. They understand what to expect at an auction and they typically have some experience. However, new clients and customers can be educated on the auction process. This type of content is great for connecting with people who might not be familiar with the auction industry.

Day 15-17: Educational Posts

  • Day 15: Educate followers on the benefits of consigning valuable items rather than selling them outright.
  • Day 16: Offer tips for identifying valuable items suitable for consignment. Share insights on what types of items tend to perform well at auction.
  • Day 17: Provide guidance on setting realistic expectations for consignment proceeds. Discuss factors that may impact final sale prices, such as market demand and item condition.

Day 18-21: Showcase Expertise

  • Day 18: Share industry insights and trends related to the auction market. Discuss current market conditions and emerging opportunities for consignors.
  • Day 19: Highlight your expertise in appraising and evaluating items for consignment. Offer insights into how you determine the value of consigned items.
  • Day 20: Feature guest experts or partners who can provide additional insights or services related to consignment, such as appraisers or estate liquidators.
  • Day 21: Host a virtual workshop or webinar on consignment strategies and best practices. Offer practical tips and advice for maximizing consignment proceeds.

Week 4: Call to Action

Social media is flooded with sales-y types of posts. People usually just scroll on by; however, if you are using social media, you probably want to gain clients and customers from said social media. Frame your pitch in a way that is genuine and proves why they should trust you with their business.

Day 22-24: Promote Consignment Opportunities

  • Day 22: Remind followers of the benefits of consigning with your auction business. Reinforce your commitment to providing a seamless and profitable consignment experience.
  • Day 23: Showcase upcoming auction events and highlight featured consigned items. Create excitement and anticipation among followers.
  • Day 24: Encourage followers to submit items for consignment. Provide clear instructions on how to get started and how to contact your team.

Day 25-28: Testimonials and Social Proof

  • Day 25: Share more testimonials and success stories from consignors who have had positive experiences with your auction business.
  • Day 26: Highlight any awards, accolades, or recognition your auction business has received for its consignment services.
  • Day 27: Showcase positive reviews and feedback from consignors on social media platforms or review sites.
  • Day 28: Offer a limited-time promotion or incentive for consignors, such as a bonus or gift for submitting items for consignment.

Day 29-30: Follow-Up and Thank You

  • Day 29: Follow up with consignors who have expressed interest in consigning but have not yet submitted items. Remind them of the benefits and opportunities available.
  • Day 30: Express gratitude to consignors for their support and participation. Thank them for choosing your auction business and reaffirm your commitment to their success.

This 30-day content calendar provides a structured approach to engaging with potential consignors on social media, building relationships, and showcasing the value of consigning with your auction business. Feel free to adapt the content and schedule to fit your specific audience and objectives.

If you have a tried and true method for reaching customers and clients on social media or if you have any cautionary tales, feel free to share in the comments. Don't forget to like and share this post with other auctioneers. Auctions work, and a growing auction industry means a better bottom line for all of us.