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Winning the SEO Game (SEO Checklist)

woman with blond hair against a concrete background with computer related clip art and text that reads SEO, Winning the SEO Game Checklist

The following checklist is designed to help you optimize your website for maximum SEO results. Some optimizations are site-wide while others apply to individual pages.

SEO Optimizations for Entire Website:

❏   Your site is secured with an SSL certificate.

❏   Your site looks good on mobile phones.

❏   Images are compressed.


❏   Browser caching is implemented.


❏   HTML is minified.

❏   Unnecessary plugins and scripts have been removed.

SEO Optimizations for Individual Pages:

❏   Your primary keyword is included in:

❏   Page title

❏   The first 100 words

❏   A subheading

❏   Naturally throughout the body

❏   Your page title is compelling.

❏   Your page description is compelling and contains your primary keyword.

❏   Your page URL is short and contains your primary keyword.

❏   Your introduction is short and to the point.

❏   Your content is formatted so that it’s easy to read.

❏   Relevant videos are embedded in your content.

❏   You linked to relevant internal pages.

❏   Your content is up to date.

❏   Your content is accurate.

❏   Your content thoroughly covers the subject.

❏   You implemented structured data where appropriate.

❏   You optimized for voice search:

❏   FAQ pages

❏   Featured snippet

❏   Natural and simple writing