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5 Must Take CEU courses for SLPs on MedBridge Education

The year is halfway over (*insert gasp) which means it's time to be thinking about how many more CEUs you need before 2022 comes to a close. 

I have partnered with Medbridge Education this year and I must say that I have been extremely pleased with the Speech Language Pathology CEU courses they have added to their database. 

In this post, I’ll share my TOP 5 MUST TAKE CEU COURSES on their site, specifically for Speech Language Pathologists who work in Adult Neurorehabilitation like me. Grab a paper and pen and let’s get started!

#5 Practical Strategies for Working with Cognitively Impaired Individuals presented by Rob Winningham

The Basics: This course covers several strategies and interventions that can help patients with cognitive impairments "encode" new declarative memories.

What I liked most: This was very practical and useful information to all SLPs, but especially SLPs working in Skilled Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities. The presenter led viewers step by step through different activities that they can use immediately with either groups or individual patients. Loved his videos and examples! 

#4 Executive Functions after Brain Injury Part 2: Case Studies presented by Mary R.T. Kennedy

The Basics: This course covers collaborative goal writing and practical therapy approaches for addressing executive dysfunction in individuals with acquired brain injury.

What I liked most: THE CASE STUDIES! If you’ve been struggling to come up with ways to help patients with executive functioning problems, then these case studies will be very valuable. I even liked the quizzes in between the course chapters because they really challenged me to think about the WHOLE PERSON and what life roles/demands the patient had. 

#3 Spaced Retrieval for Memory Loss Part 1: Screenings, Development, and Support presented by Jeanette E. Benigas

The Basics: This course comprehensively covers the intervention of Spaced Retrieval, including its theoretical basis, how to use it practically in a session, and how to conduct a screening that will inform you how to set up the intervention for success. 

What I liked most: If you’ve ever wanted a better understanding of Spaced Retrieval as a therapeutic approach, then this is THE COURSE for you. It was very beneficial to have such an in depth review of Spaced Retrieval in an engaging way. Great course for SLPs who work with patients with varying levels of memory impairments. 

#2 External Memory Aids and Memory Books for Memory Loss presented by Jeanette E. Benigas

The Basics: This course helps SLPS gain an understanding of how to create and use external memory aids and memory books to help people with dementia stay connected and improve independent functioning and safety.

What I liked most: There were lots of scenarios via video to help reinforce concepts AND lots of illustrations that helped depict the various ways memory aids and memory books can be made. I also appreciated how it addressed common “challenging” behaviors and offered solutions. 

#1 Creating Functional Home Programs in Adult Rehab presented by Sarah Baar

The Basics: This course focuses on the importance of individualized and functional home programs during the course of therapy. It uses the person centered care model (not the traditional and dated medical) as a foundation and stresses the importance of including everyday activities (not worksheets or board games) in home programs in order to increase independence and maximize function. 

What I liked most: The presenter was super engaging, provided lots of examples, case studies, and step by step videos. She even described in detail all the different ways patients and SLPs can take data on homework. You can definitely walk away feeling more confident in helping to create a FUNCTIONAL and person centered home program with your patient. 

That’s it! 5 Must Take CEUs on MedBridge Education (for Speech Language Pathologists). If you’re ready to start taking these valuable courses, sign up for a MedBridge subscription today at You will immediately gain access to courses and home exercise programs so you can start applying what you learn right away. 

Be sure to use my Promo Code THENEUROSLP for a discount of "$150 off" or "40% off" your MedBridge subscription. 

Happy Learning! 

- Dana (The Neuro SLP)