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Considerations When Selecting and Using External Memory Aids (EMAs)

If you are an SLP who works with patients with memory challenges, you know that one of our responsibilities is to help them with their EMAs--- external memory aids. We review the purpose/benefits of EMAs and the wide range of types of EMAs. We also target important metacognitive skills so patient's can select the best EMAs for them and use them optimally. In more severe cases, it may even be us who is selecting the best EMA for the patients. Everything needs to be taken into consideration when making these decisions, including but not limited to:

the patient living situations, patient medical status, patient priorities, patient daily activities, patient level of independence, patient preferences, patient familiarity with EMAs, patient willingness to learn new aids, patient comfort with technology, etc.

Below are some considerations when selecting and using common EMAs.

When considering CALENDARS:

  • Which calendar view is most appropriate? (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
  • What size calendar is ideal?
  • Where will I keep it the calendar?
  • How often will I refer to the calendar When will I reference it?
  • What will be written on the calendar? Birthdays? Appointments? Deadlines?
  • Will I have more than one calendar?

When considering STICKY NOTES:

  • Where will the blank stack of sticky notes be located?
  • What types of information will go on the sticky note?
  • How detailed will I be when I write information on it?
  • What visible spot should I stick the sticky notes to after writing on it?
  • How many is too many to have at one time?
  • What will I do with the sticky note when I no longer need it?

When considering ALARMS:

  • What kind of alarm will I use? Phone alarm? Digital clock/watch alarm? Timer?
  • Which events will I have an alarm for?
  • Will the alarm go off at the exact time of the event or before the event?
  • Do I need more than one alarm per event?
  • How will I know what the alarm is for when it does go off?
  • How many alarms are appropriate to have set at one time?


When considering CHECKLISTS

  • Where will I keep the checklist?
  • What will go on the checklist?
  • How will I prioritize the checklist?
  • What will I do when I finish items on the checklist?
  • When will it be time to create a new checklist?
  • Will I have separate checklists for separate areas of my life?
  • When will I reference the checklist?



 When considering VOICE RECORDERS

  • Which type of voice recorder will I use? Voice recorder app on phone? Handheld recorder?
  • In what situations will I need the voice recorder the most?
  • Will I be able to record all the audio I would like? 
  • Will I record all or some of the audio?
  • When/how often will I reference the recording?
  • Will I take notes when listening to the recording?
  • What will I do when I have finished listening to the recording?

When considering NOTEBOOKS

  • What size notebook is ideal?
  • Where will I keep the notebook? Will I take it with me everywhere I go or will it be kept in one place?
  • Will I have more than one notebook? (ex: one for work, one for medical appts, etc)
  • In what situations will I need the notebook the most?
  • What is most important that I use the notebook for?
  • When/how often will I reference notes in my notebook?
  • Do I need the notebook to be organized a specific way?  (ex: note templates, grids)

When considering TRACKING DEVICES

  • What items do I lose the most that warrant a tracker? 
  • How many trackers will I need?
  • Am I willing to learn how to use a tracker?
  • How much am I willing to buy for a tracker?
  • Which tracker am I planning to buy?

When considering PILL CONTAINERS

  • What size pill container do I need?
  • How many compartments per day/week dos the pill container need to have? 
  • Where will I keep the pill container?
  • What will alert me to go get the pill container?
  • How often/when will I fill the pill container?
  • Will all pills be in pill container or just some? (ex: herbal supplements, vitamins)

These are just a few considerations when selecting/using EMAs, but there are many more! Comment below what you would add and if you haven’t already, be sure to download my FREE memory handout “How Do You Remember?” where I list several common EMAs.


That’s it for now. As always, have some great therapy sessions!

-Dana (The Neuro SLP) 

Relevant Research:

Lanzi, A., & Bourgeois, M. S. (2020). Structured External Memory Aid Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment. American journal of speech-language pathology29(1S), 474–484.

Lanzi, A. M., Saylor, A. K., Dedrick, R. F., Bourgeois, M. S., & Cohen, M. L. (2023). The Functional External Memory Aid Tool Version 2.0: A How-To Clinical Guide. American journal of speech-language pathology32(1), 96–106.

Lanzi, A., Wallace, S. E., & Bourgeois, M. S. (2018). External Memory Aid Preferences of Individuals with Mild Memory Impairments. Seminars in speech and language39(3), 211–222.

Spencer, K. A., Paul, J., Brown, K. A., Ellerbrock, T., & Sohlberg, M. M. (2020). Cognitive Rehabilitation for Individuals With Parkinson's Disease: Developing and Piloting an External Aids Treatment Program. American journal of speech-language pathology29(1), 1–19.