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RECORDED WEBINAR: Functional & Affordable Speech Therapy (F.A.S.T)

Registration for my signature F.A.S.T Webinar has closed. However, you can watch a replay by clicking HERE.

Be sure to subscribe to my email list under the "Connect" tab to be the first to know about my next LIVE WEBINAR.

Feedback from F.A.S.T Webinar Attendees

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I wish something like this was around when I first started my career. So helpful!

— Anonymous

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Sometimes you don't know what you don't know. I knew there was something missing from my therapy but I didn't know what. Now, I can see why AND how I need to make my therapy more functional and person centered.

— Sarah

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I think the content was very valuable. Definitely going to help me with my day to day activities.

— Jessica

Digital Courses COMING Fall 2023!

  • Complete at your own pace.
  • Access relevant materials (digital products, online resources)
  • Cross reference all information taught with cited journal articles.
  • Get complex concepts explained in an easy-to-understand format.

***Stay tuned for more information.