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The Pattern Scribe #SBSWinner 2024

From Small Beginnings to Big Achievements: Exploring the Phenomenal #SBS Win

From Small Beginnings to Big Achievements: Exploring the Phenomenal #SBS Win

Are you a Twitter or Instagram user? Then why not take part in Theo Paphitis' Small Business Sunday (#SBS) opportunity held every Sunday evening?

Every Sunday from 5 pm to 7:30 pm (UK time), former BBC Dragons' Den star Theo Paphitis (@TheoPaphitis) opens the floor to small business owners, encouraging them to tweet about their businesses. However, there are specific conditions for entry:

  • Tweets must be sent between 5 pm and 7.30 pm on Sundays only
  • Tweets must be sent to @TheoPaphitis
  • Tweets must include the hashtag #sbs

After 7:30 pm, Theo meticulously reviews all the tweets he receives and selects his six favorite entries. These chosen six are then retweeted by Theo on Monday evening at 8 pm, reaching his extensive following of over 400k followers! I highly recommend entering every week because, even if you don't win, the #SBS hashtag attracts significant engagement from a large audience on Twitter. (or Instagram) Clicking on the hashtag reveals all tweets associated with it, offering a fantastic opportunity to showcase your business to thousands of active Twitter users!

On Sunday 31st March 2024 I sent my tweet to Theo as I had for, believe it or not, the previous 2 weeks and then continued with my crochet planning for the rest of the evening. The following evening, at 8 pm whilst chatting on a family video call, a tweet popped up on my notifications... Alerting me, I logged in to check my Twitter account and to my delight I found I had received many, many Twitter mentions!


After Theo's tweet, I received multiple (and I mean lots!) additional messages and tweets and saw a corresponding surge in new followers. Yay! But that's not all – as a delightful bonus, #SBS winners receive an invitation to an exclusive event where they can meet Theo in person! Isn't that just thrilling? And now, without further ado, here's the tweet that clinched my win:

"Hi, @theopaphitis, Happy Easter. I help stitch your dreams by offering mosaic overlay

crochet patterns to provoke your passion. #Sbs".

Accompanied by a visual image of one of my completed patterns.

So, how do you increase your chances of winning #SBS, here are my top tips:

  • Ensure your tweet is sent during the designated time window on Sundays. If you're concerned about forgetting, set a calendar reminder (just like I did) or utilise a scheduler to ensure your tweet is posted within the timeframe.

  • Remember, only send ONE tweet – bombarding Theo with multiple tweets will only decrease your chances of winning!

  • To qualify for consideration, your tweet must include @TheoPaphitis and #SBS. Double-check your spelling and grammar before hitting send.

  • It's also helpful to follow the @TheSBS_Crew and @RymanStationery as these are also linked to this opportunity.

  • If you offer services, highlight how using your services saves businesses time. For product suppliers, emphasise why businesses or consumers should choose your products and explain their benefits in your tweet.

  • If possible, include a link to your website. Use a URL shortener (like to save space in your tweet. At the very least, ensure your Twitter bio includes your website link!

  • Use a striking visual.

  • Avoid using text slang to cram more words in. You want others(and more importantly Theo) to easily understand your tweet.

Did you win?

Congratulations on being selected as a winner! How Exciting! I look forward to chatting with you. It's truly an outstanding accomplishment! With thousands of entries each week, being chosen as one of the top six is certainly impressive. Well done!

As a winner, you'll enjoy a range of benefits, including:

- A retweet (RT) to Theo's followers

- Your own profile page on Theo's highly optimized #SBS website

- Access to a badge graphic for your marketing materials (mine is pictured)

- Membership in the exclusive #SBSWinners community, with access to a private Facebook group and weekly Twitter networking

- An invitation to the annual #SBS winners event in Birmingham, where you can collect your certificate, gain insights from Theo's inner circle of experts, and even pitch your business to investors (by application), along with receiving goodies from Theo's existing businesses

- Access to press release templates and business advice in the SBS winners members' portal

Spread the word! With a bit of effort, this presents a fantastic opportunity to generate some PR for your small business.

Didn't clinch the win this time around?

Don't lose heart. I think I was very lucky and it took me only 3 times to enter before I won. I know it can take many months (and years) before others have secured a victory! With the number of entries growing weekly, patience and perseverance are key. Interestingly, I also know of people who have entered #SBS for the first time and won, too!

Good luck with your entry and I'm anticipating my invitation to meet Theo personally next year. I'll update then - of course!

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