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Organising your yarn stash

Your Yarn Stash Organisation: A Guide for Crochet Enthusiasts

Your Yarn Stash Organisation:

If you're an avid crochet enthusiast, you know the joy of building a beautiful yarn stash. However, keeping that stash organised can be a challenging yet essential task. A well-organised yarn stash not only makes it easier to find the perfect colour and texture for your projects but also ensures that your creative space remains clutter-free. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and tricks for organising your yarn stash for crochet projects.

1. Sort and Categorize:

The first step to a well-organised yarn stash is sorting and categorizing. Take out all your yarn and group them by colour, weight, and fibre content. This initial sorting will provide a clear overview of your stash and make it easier to find the yarn you need when starting a new project.

2. Storage Solutions:

Investing in proper storage containers is crucial for maintaining an organised yarn stash. Clear plastic bins or storage boxes allow you to see the contents without having to open each container. Consider using zip-top bags for smaller skeins to prevent tangling and keep them clean. Additionally, label each container with its contents to quickly identify the yarn inside.

3. Display for Inspiration:

If you have a dedicated craft room or space, consider displaying your yarn in an aesthetically pleasing way. Shelves, boxes, or even transparent jars can showcase your vibrant yarn collection while serving as a source of inspiration for your next crochet project. An organised and visually appealing display can enhance your creative process.

4. Utilise Ravelry or Yarn Inventory Apps:

Digital tools can be incredibly helpful in managing your yarn stash. Websites like Ravelry allow you to catalog your yarn, including details like colour, weight, and fibre content. There are also various yarn inventory apps available that you can use to keep track of your stash, making it easy to check what you have before starting a new project.

5. Create a Swatch Library:

Crocheters often work on multiple projects simultaneously, and keeping track of different yarns can be challenging. Create a swatch library by making small samples of each yarn in your stash and attaching them to index cards with relevant information. This way, you'll have a tangible reference for the texture, colour, and weight of each yarn without having to dig through your entire stash.

6. De stash Responsibly:

Periodically assess your yarn stash and consider de-stashing any yarn that no longer inspires you or doesn't fit your current preferences. You can sell or donate unwanted yarn to fellow crafters or local charities. This not only helps you maintain a manageable stash but also benefits others in the crafting community.


Organizing your yarn stash is a rewarding endeavor that can streamline your creative process and bring joy to your crochet projects. By implementing these tips and tricks, you'll not only keep your yarn in order but also create an inspiring space where your creativity can flourish. Happy crocheting!

If you would like some inspiration for using up your yarn stash, head over to the crochet pattern collection.