What people are saying
Buen contenido Tone, acabo de comprar tu Bundle de presets y la sesión que realicé ayer quedo increíble, gracias por tu trabajo, Saludos.
Good content Tone, I just bought your Bundle of presets and the session I did yesterday was incredible, thanks for your work, Greetings.
— Rodrigo Gonzalez
Utilizo tus presets para mis fotos, recomendadísimo.
I use your presets for my photos, highly recommended.
— I'm Tototony
Excelente trabajo! Hace unas semanas me descargué tu paquete de presets y realmente vale la pena! Así que mil gracias!
Excellent work! A few weeks ago I downloaded your preset pack and it's really worth it! So thank you very much!
— Soy Seba Oficial
Acabo de comprar el paquete editar-como y no me decepcionó, esos resultados realmente mejoran mi fotografía y le dan un aspecto profesional, estoy muy feliz.
Just bought your edit like pack and I wasn’t disappointed, those results really step up my photography and give it a professional look, I'm so happy.
— Rainbowvelvethaze
Compré 3 de tus paquetes de presets. Los amo. Gran trabajo, Tone.
Purchased 3 of your pre-set packs. Love them. Great job, Tone.
— itsmecodii

About Me
I'm Tone Fuentes, a Mexican based digital creator. I started making presets and LUTs just trying to replicate the look of Creators I admired. In the process, learned a lot and choose to share my findings with the community. This collection is a result of all that experimentation.