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Hornets & Wasps Resource files 2022

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All hornets are wasps, but not all wasps are hornets. According to a variety of wasp-focused websites, there are anywhere from 15,000 to 30,000 different types of wasp in the world. The largest can exceed 2 inches in length.

Basically, a hornet is just another kind of wasp. Most of those in the United States are closely related to the yellow jacket was. There are three types of hornet usually found in North America: the European or giant hornet, which is the most common, the smaller bald-faced hornet, and the sand hornet , which is not seen as often because they live in underground burrows.

Hornets are larger, while wasps are brighter. The main focus of the wasp vs. hornet question usually seems to be about size, so let’s clear that up. The European hornet is the one most people are likely to encounter. It grows to around 1 inch long, which is about twice the size of a yellow jacket wasp, or our other common wasp, the paper wasp. (After Bob Vila)
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