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LEGENDS OF NORSELAND - 24 Illustrated Norse and Viking Legends

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Available in Kindle (AZW3), ePub & PDF formats

Herein are 24 illustrated easy-to-read Norse and Viking legends, including the Song of the Valkyries, rewritten with young adults in mind. Here you will find the legends of the Norse and Viking inhabitants of Asgard – Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Baldur and many others.
These are the legends of the actions and feats of these high-dwellers before time itself had begun. These legends also give valuable background to the Marvel movies of Odin, Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Sif and others which will give you the reader more understanding about how the legends of Thor, Loki and other Scandinavian legends came to be.

But do not be put off - these are the contemporary versions of these legends and stories re-written with young adults in mind, and not the heavy, hard to understand versions which academics would revel in.

The legends in this volume are:
I the beginning
II. Yggdrasil
III odin at the well of wisdom
IV odin and the all-wise giant
V the stolen wine part i.
VI the stolen wine part ii
VII. Loke’s theft
VIII thor’s hammer
XI the theft of the hammer
XII the finding of the hammer
XIII the apples of life Parts I & II
XV loke’s wolf
XVI the fenris wolf
XVII defeat of hrungner
XVIII thor and skrymer
XIX thor and the utgard-king
XX thor and the midgard serpent
The Valkyries’ song
XXI the dying baldur
XXII the punishment of loke
XXIII the darkness that fell on asgard

This volume also includes a vocabulary which gives the spelling and pronunciations of the names of the characters in the legends.

So, we invite you to curl up with these illustrated, ancient Northern legends and immerse yourself in the tales and lore of yesteryear.

10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.
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