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Esperanto 101 Anki deck with sound + extras

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This flashcard deck contains all must-have basic Esperanto rootwords as suggested by the editorial team of the magazine Kontakto. Each of them comes with sound, sample sentences and a list of common words from the same root. They are also sorted into categories to that you can prioritise your learning. If you study only this list and no other vocabulary, you will already be able to read articles marked as Easy in the magazine Kontakto and understand 100% of these articles.

Additionally, this deck also includes all the intermediate-level words from the "Intense Esperanto" iPhone app, which you can study after finishing the basic roots, and which will permit you to understand basically all Esperanto that you come across, except maybe high literature.  

A free sample (only the basic words, no audio) is available at, so if you're undecided, give that a try and then buy this deck with audio in order to greatly accelerate your learning.
You will get a APKG (8MB) file

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