Systematic Approach to Modern Greek (A1/A2)
On Sale
Do you like Anki? This is the best beginner-level Modern Greek deck you'll ever come across, teaching you Greek step by tiny step through almost 2000 well-chosen graded Greek sentences. (Does not teach the alphabet - check out my alphabet course for this)
For any comments and concerns, contact yutian.mei+greek@gmail.com .
- All the words for beginners (CEFR levels A1 and A2)
- Several sentences for each word
- 1950 notes
- Native speaker audio recordings for each word and each sentence (no machine voice!)
- Tests you on Greek to English, English to Greek as well as listening comprehension. You can also create dictation exercises and similar.
- Everything is graded perfectly, going in tiny steps but allowing you to become conversational in Modern Greek.
For any comments and concerns, contact yutian.mei+greek@gmail.com .