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Zinaida Serebriakova

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E-book in PDF-format with quantity of masterpieces of this artist for your Home Museum.

Zinaida Serebryakova (maiden name Lansere - Russian artist, member of the World of Art, one of the first Russian women to be included in the history painting!

In the autumn of 1924 Serebryakova went to Paris, having received an order for a large decorative panel. She did not manage to return, and she was separated from the motherland and children (two children - Alexander and Catherine - managed to be transported abroad). She lived at that time on the Nansen passport and in 1947 received French citizenship.

In the days of the Khrushchev thaw, the authorities of the USSR permit contacts with Serebryakova. In 1960, after 36 years of separation, her daughter Tatyana (Tata), who became a theater artist in the Moscow Art Theater, visits her. In 1966, large exhibitions of Serebryakova's works were shown in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. It becomes popular in the USSR, its albums are printed in million copies, and the paintings are compared with Botticelli and Renoir.

The book contains 200+ her best paintings.
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