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Let's Create Lasting Manifestations!

This group coaching membership is designed to help you stay on track with your mindset, daily, weekly and monthly. There are weekly live Q/A sessions with Coach Dani, and exclusive content to help with an array of topics: Love and relationship, money and career, health and wellness, social media management, and so much more! What makes this membership so special is that I am offering a community of like minded people and helping you to reprogram your subconscious mind for successful manifestations!

Please don't forget to read the terms of service located at the top of the page

What I Offer in My Membership

I'm super passionate about helping others discover the power of the subconscious mind. I will give you everything I know about how to truly change your life, the best version of yourself, and create the life of your dreams! Are you ready for this majestic ride?

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πŸ’œThe Sweet Spot Mastermind and Group Coaching

per month

What Do You Need from This Membership?

I would love to know what you need help with and I will do my best to do a video addressing it or add it to a topic of interest in a future workshop.