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About Coach Dani

I am a Mindset and Manifestation Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. Over the past 15 years I have been using my spiritual and holistic training to help others transform their lives . I use Universal Spiritual principles ( Law of Assumption / Law of Vibration/ Law of Attraction) to help you manifest ANY of your heart's desires.

I know what it's like to feel like when you have all the knowledge of how manifestation works, but just can't seem to manifest things into you 3D reality. That's why I have taken time to craft courses and step -by-step content on how to really see things come into fruition. That is the difference when you do coaching with me. I actually help you breakthrough any limiting beliefs and reprogram new thoughts and beliefs. Please take a look at the blog posts, courses and all my Mindset and Manifestation Services. Happy Manifesting!



Fly girls manifesting giving thanks for Law of Assumption Teachings on Youtube. A fly girl manifesting indeed!
Manifesting Like a Fly Girl
Gone are the days of hoping and wishing things could be better. I have a formula that goes a little something like this:Clarity, Alignment, Repetition, and Enthusiasm. Yes, Care for yourself as the acronym suggests. Get clear about what you desire to...
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