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[ENG] Money Magnet - Alignment With Abundance - Powerful 💲 🧲

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To align with abundance is to realise first and foremost: We are all Energy

We come from the same Source. Our physical being is an expression of source energy wishing to know itself

Source energy can only know itself experientially

Our reality is very much created and directed by our vibrational state of being. With focused thoughts, we bring source energy from the unmanifested to the manifested. It is possible, therefore, to bring forward much abundance into our lives

When we work with divine Laws of Source/The Universe, there is no need for unnecessary struggle.

Put in another way, how abundant we are is a good indicator of the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that we have

To align with abundance is to become aware of our internal world and to shift vibrationally. About 90% of mindpower lie in our subconscious mind, out of our conscious awareness

So if we are experiencing more negative outcomes or situations of lack, we can have a good idea of what our subconscious mind is saying

Aligning the Heart and Mind for Results

To create abundance in all areas of your life, it's important to align your heart and mind. This alignment process is crucial for creating instant results and cultivating an abundance mindset

That is why this program will change your beliefs, increase your vibration, align you with abundance and turn you into a powerful money magnet, connecting you with the divine energy of wealth and using the power of your subconscious mind to your advantage

Are you ready?

̶$̶4̶1̶.̶9̶0̶ - $25

Formula: Impact:

This formula makes the affirmations have a greater impact on the subconscious mind, making it better assimilate the affirmations of any audio, achieving extremely fast results

Summary Benefits:

● Money income increases every day

● Money income increases more and more positively

● Always have extremely positive and happy thoughts

● Always think positive

● Money magnet

● You will always be surrounded by money

● You always attract money and you always find money wherever you go (on the street, in the taxi, on the bus, in stores, etc)

● Money always comes to you easily

● Pure abundance

● Your life is filled with a lot of monetary abundance

● Opulence

● Good fortune for you, your environment and every being around you (and for all those who listen to this audio in harmony) (collective power)

● Good fortune always accompanies you, your environment and every being around you

● Receive many gifts thanks to your attraction of abundance

● Receive and win many prizes

● Have a perfect emotional, mental and physical alignment and balance to manifest all your goals

● Perfect emotional, mental and physical alignment and balance

● Get a total cleansing of your energetic body now to align yourself with the energy of money and abundance

● Be aligned with the energy of money and abundance to continue attracting and earning much more money

● Gratitude for this wonderful new life

● Accept all the good things in life

● Grateful for being alive, for your family, your friends, your partner, your relationships, etc.

● Gratitude to the universe for helping you see the positive side of all things

● Gratitude because all your relationships are harmonious

● Be happy and grateful to have much success in all aspects of your life

● Gratitude for all the prosperity and happiness that comes now in all areas, senses and aspects of your life

● Perfect alignment with the positive energy of abundance, fortune and luck

● Manifest money everywhere and anywhere you are

● Manifest money in all positive ways and forms

● Always receive checks for money

● Receive big checks for lots of money

● Always manifest lots of money in all possible ways and means

● You are always attracting and earning lots of money from expected and unexpected sources

● Manifest money anywhere and everywhere you are

● Money always finds you and always comes to you easily

● Be worthy of good fortune and abundance

● Have a millionaire mindset

● Deserving of having millions and millions of money

● Be worthy of all the good things for your life

● Attract good fortune to your life easily

● Attract money to your life easily

● Attract luck to your life easily

● Attract abundance to your life easily

● Attract opulence to your life easily

● Be a magnet to attract a lot of money

● Knowing that money is good, that it brings stability and peace of mind

● Being one with money

● Money always follows you wherever you go

● All the affirmations in this program are structured in the now and infinitely

● All affirmations come true in the now (reinforced x3) + (omni formula)

● Energies and vibration always vibrating in a positive way and love

● Love money and have money love you

● Be a magnet for good things, fortune and luck

● Be a magnet for good and positive things

● Always attract all the good things to your life

● Believe in yourself

● It is very easy for you to attract and earn a lot of money without doing anything

● It is very easy for you to attract and earn a lot of money without effort

● Be an extremely powerful magnet to attract all the abundance and riches for your life

● Your aura and vibration attract thousands and millions of money to your life

● Vibration in tune with the Success, wealth and abundance and everything good for your life

● Your aura and energy are full of incredible and positive events

● Control your emotions perfectly

● Always be vibrating in harmony and happiness

● Always be happy and at peace with yourself and all things in life

● Be aligned with the energy of luck, abundance and wealth

● Be worthy of good fortune today and always

● Be deserving of all the good things in life

● Be ready now to receive all the gifts of the universe

● Be ready and prepared right now to receive all the wealth of the universe and of this world today and always

● Attract large amounts of money to your life permanently

● Attract thousands and millions of money to you now and always

● Be a rich and successful person

● Money comes easily in expected and unexpected ways

● Have an infinite amount of money for the rest of your life

● Have millions of money in your bank account

● Money is naturally attracted to you

● Always be receiving money from unlimited sources

● Feel an infinite sense of security financial because you are making a lot of money right now

● Manifest millions of dollars and euros effortlessly

● Always manifest thousands and millions of dollars effortlessly and very easily

● Have millions of money in all your bank accounts

● Be completely aligned with the frequency of abundance

● Fast and permanent results

● (Contains many more benefits)

۩ Contains powerful formulas

۩ Contains frequencies to increase vibration

۩ Contains energy to be aligned with abundance

۩ Contains frequencies to manifest incredible changes on a physical and universal level

۩ Advanced techniques and technologies

۩ Energetically programmed audios

🎧【★】111 【★】🎧

▣ You can listen as many times as you want

▣ Recommended to listen to 1 hour a day

▣ Listen at a comfortable volume

▣ Drink water to stay hydrated

▣ You can block any benefits you don't want

▣ Works for everyone regardless of language

▣ It is not necessary to speak English

Get the short version here 👉:

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If you want to save space on your cell phone you can download the mp3 version instead of the wav file

You will get 4 files:

💠 Version Frequency: 2 files (wav and mp3)

💠 Calm Version: 2 files (wav and mp3)

💠 2 versions: 4 files

Subliminal program produced by Dimension Adam ©

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