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🌌 The Universe Always Works In My Favor 🌌

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This subliminal program is designed for you to manifest everything you want quickly, instantly.

In addition to having the help and energy of the universe

The universe will always be conspiring in your favor in different ways

You will be able to manifest anything you want (that's right, anything), either while listening to this audio or at any time of the day

This audio can even modify reality so that you create new paths, the desired life, the perfect life or any ideal event for you

You can visualize if you want, but just listening to the audio is more than enough

Remember that the longer the listening days go by, the stronger this subliminal program will become

In addition to having the positive energy of the collective mind

That means the more people use this audio the more powerful it becomes for everyone

All the affirmations, music, frequencies, binaurals, tones, etc., have been chosen with a lot of intention and with a lot of love to give you the desired changes from your desire and intention.

Formula: Impact

This formula makes the affirmations have a greater impact on the subconscious mind, making it better assimilate the affirmations of any audio, achieving extremely fast results


● The universe is in your favor

● Everything conspires in your favor

● Everything you want you get

● All the perfect scenarios for you come true now

● All the perfect moments for you come true

● All wishes and manifestations for you come true

● Everything works in your favor

● Being highly blessed and favored every second of your life

● Everything in your environment moves in your favor

● The universe will be totally favoring you every second

● Luck always comes to you every second of your life

● Being a very lucky person

● Everything will come to you with ease

● Always be surrounded by good situations

● Get all the results you want every second

● Be a lucky magnet

● Luck always comes to you easily and quickly

● The universe always conspires in your favor and always favors you

● Being blessed by the universe

● Have your ideal life

● Get the desired life

● Happiness

● Harmony

● Be a master of manifestation

● Everything you think positively comes true in your life

● Be a master by manifesting

● Everything you want is fulfilled and comes true quickly

● Attract many miracles to your life now and always

● Always flow in a high state of vibrational energy to materialize all your dreams

● Always vibrate high

● It will be very easy for you to manifest and materialize everything you want

● Your thoughts that you wish are fulfilled

● Always instantly manifest what you want

● Everything will be possible

● The whole world will move in your favor permanently

● All your affirmations and decrees are fulfilled instantly

● Be the same perfection and have a perfect life

● Be sure of yourself

● Have the power to create your reality

● Manifest everything you want instantly

● Get everything you want easily in this 3D world

● Manifest and attract anything you want

● All things will come to you easily like magic

● Fast and permanent results

● Includes many more benefits

Let there be no doubt in your mind that you can literally attract and materialize everything you set your mind to

You are a very powerful being

۩ Contains powerful formulas

۩ Contains frequencies to vibrate high

۩ Contains frequencies to connect with the universe

۩ Contains binaural beats and isochronic tones

۩ Advanced techniques and technologies

۩ Energetic programmed audios

🎧【★】 111 【★】🎧

▣ You can listen as many times as you want

▣ Recommended listening 1 hour a day

▣ Listen at a comfortable volume

▣ Drink water to stay hydrated

▣ You can block any benefits you don't want

▣ It works for everyone no matter the language

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You will get 2 files:

- File in wav format

- File in mp3 format

Subliminal program produced by Quantum Adam ©

Q̴̛̖͕̳͕̆͗̿͆̊̆̓̽͠û̷̢̖̞͇̱̓̍͊̎͒͊̄͛̒ã̵̠͕̤̝̣͕̩̓̌̕̚͝ń̵̬͖̈́̎̕̚ţ̴̾ṵ̴̡̝̞̪̙̐̑͒͆̊̃̏́̐͝m̸̮͇͖͉̽̈́͝ ̷̨̭͚̹͇̹̞̙̮̓̎͑̍͐̚͜͝A̸̟͛͆̌͊̅̐͑͠͝d̸̘̦͔̬̙̅̑͗ạ̴͔̩̰̫̝͒͂̓͂̂̂͐m̸̡̰̞͕̦̖͓͇̬̪̓̒́͑͛ Q̴̛̖͕̳͕̆͗̿͆̊̆̓̽͠û̷̢̖̞͇̱̓̍͊̎͒͊̄͛̒ã̵̠͕̤̝̣͕̩̓̌̕̚͝ń̵̬͖̈́̎̕̚ţ̴̾ṵ̴̡̝̞̪̙̐̑͒͆̊̃̏́̐͝m̸̮͇͖͉̽̈́͝ ̷̨̭͚̹͇̹̞̙̮̓̎͑̍͐̚͜͝A̸̟͛͆̌͊̅̐͑͠͝d̸̘̦͔̬̙̅̑͗ạ̴͔̩̰̫̝͒͂̓͂̂̂͐m̸̡̰̞͕̦̖͓͇̬̪̓̒́͑͛

You will get the following files:
  • MP3 (138MB)
  • WAV (1GB)

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