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γ€ŽENGγ€πŸ² Supreme Chad | Combo PS #1 - 100 Star Man 🐲

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This subliminal program is designed so that you have a total transformation in your life

Become a real man, living life to the fullest full of luxuries, full of abundance, full of women

From being at a much higher level than any man, transforming your attitudes and personalities to a powerfully extroverted, sociable, influential, powerful man and many more benefits

Formula: Impact:

This formula makes the affirmations have a greater impact on the subconscious mind, making it better assimilate the affirmations of any audio, achieving extremely fast results

Summary Benefits:

● Alpha male supreme leader

● Powerful social skills

● Be sociable in any situation

● Be very outgoing

● Easily socialize with anyone

● Dominant in any situation you find yourself in, in any group, anywhere

● All people respect you

● All men are nice to you

● All men become obedient to you

● Men become more obedient when they are with you or around you.

● Men can't compete with you because they see you as the alpha man on top.

● All men see you as very superior to them and always look at you with great admiration and respect

● Men respect you and understand your enormous inner strength

● Men see you as the best man in the world

● Men see you as the strongest man in the world and that is why they decide to become your ally to support you

● They will seek your favor, your approval and obey you

● The women around you are stunned to the point of shaking their knees just by your presence

● The women around you are amazed until they tremble with emotion just by your presence, aura and energy

● The women around you fall in love until they tremble with emotion just from your smell and pheromones

● Women around you fall in love to the maximum just because of your energy, aura, presence, voice, appearance, etc.

● All the women in the world are attracted to you by a very immense and powerful force that even if you hide among hundreds of men, they will always be able to identify you as the best man among them all.

● All women are attracted to you by an immense force of attraction generated by your energy and body.

● Women always identify you as the best male of all males

● By coincidence of fate it happens that you are the boy that any most decent girl gives herself body and soul to you on the first day

● Any girl will be attracted to give herself to you on the first day

● All women desire you sexually

● You are the type of man that every woman dreams of

● You are the man that any woman wants to have

● You are the most absolute man in the world to seduce women

● You are the most seductive seducer among all seducers

● You are the most seductive man in the whole world who easily makes all women fall in love with you.

● You are the most seductive and beautiful man in the world

● The most beautiful appearance of a world-class supermodel

● You have many sports cars to your name

● You love driving in all your sports cars

● Have millions of dollars in your bank accounts

● Have lots and lots of money in your bank accounts

● You have many beautiful women in your bed

● Have many romantic stories with many women

● Have lots of sex with lots of women in your life

● Always have a lot of sex and enjoy it

● Women always want the best for you and are always very kind to you wherever you go

● Master of sports

● Be the best at whatever sport you do

● Always be the best and number 1 in any sport thanks to your physical abilities

● Powerful athlete

● Have impressive fighting skills

● Be very good at fighting

● Always emerge victorious in every fight

● Have an unbreakable fighting spirit

● Be an excellent warrior

● Blows are always very effective and powerful

● Easily knock down any opponent with a single blow

● Large, strong bones

● Advanced self-training of all muscles

● Muscles are stimulated and grow just by moving, becoming bigger and stronger

● Muscles get bigger and stronger every day

● Large, veiny and masculine arms

● Very large and attractively veined arms

● Large, wide shoulders

● Wide and strong clavicles

● Very manly physique

● Top face enhancement

● Strong, marked and defined jaw

● Jaw projected forward in a symmetrical, perfect and divine way

● Facial symmetry at a high level

● Wide and strong bones

● Male warrior skull

● Your warrior skull gives a good impression of masculinity, dominance, strength and beauty

● Perfect, strong and tough warrior skull

● Beautiful and perfect skull

● Strong and manly skull structure

● Ideal and perfect warrior skull skin

● Harmonization between the neurocranium and splanchnocranium in a perfect and ideal way

● Perfect alignment between your face and warrior skull

● Totally beautiful, beautiful and defined warrior skull

● Beautiful hunter eyes

● Straight hunter eyes, with a beautiful and masculine shape

● Vertically compact hunter eyes

● Horizontally long hunter eyes

● Masculine and attractive hunter eyes

● Perfect positive canthal inclination

● Horizontally long and sharp eyes

● Slightly drooping and beautiful upper eyelid (desired)

● Perfect hunter angle that adds masculinity

● Hypermasculine man

● Top-notch hyper-masculine model and your beauty impresses everyone with how beautiful and handsome you are

● Face of a totally masculine world-class model that makes anyone fall in love with your beauty

● Be an absolute blessed Chad (That you can get everything you want with ease)

● Get everything you want easily

● Get any woman you want

● No matter the circumstance you always get any woman

● Any woman gives herself to you easily

● Money always works for you without having to work hard

● Money always follows you everywhere

● Money will always need you, that's why it always looks for you.

● Money looks for you and finds you everywhere

● Always have a lot of money in your bank accounts

● Always have large amounts of money

● Be a billion dollar man

● Be a man of high value

● Being the most expensive man in the sexual market that is why you are highly desired by all women in the world

● Be a very famous and desired man

● Always sleep with different girls

● Always drive sports and luxury cars

● Always eat delicious food in expensive restaurants

● Get the pretty privilege

● They will always give you what you want, you will always have success and opportunities in life thanks to your pretty privilege

● Handsome privilege

● Be at the very top of the richest and most beautiful people in the world

● Fully enjoy all the benefits of this world

● Fully enjoy wealth, abundance of money, women, financial freedom, etc.

● Feeling special and blessed to be famous now

● Have many connections with actresses, models, actors, singers, rappers, bloggers and any famous influencers

● Have a limousine walk on a red carpet

● Have beautiful women around you with your security guards

● Be a very famous super celebrity

● Be famous only for your beauty and energy

● Be famous that everyone loves you simply for being you

● Be famous just for existing

● Your very existence makes you famous all over the world

● All your social networks are very popular all over the world

● The phone will always ring with many messages and calls

● Always be receiving messages and calls from your fans

● Your female fans saturate your Instagram chat

● Only attract positivity, joy, happiness, pleasure and more pleasure

● Now your life becomes easier and luxurious

● Rich and indulgent parents

● Millionaire parents

● Have expensive contracts with modeling agencies and popular brand ambassadors

● Have many constant social events

● Have many parties, meetings, walks, walks and hundreds of thousands of connections with famous people everywhere

● Have VIP guests everywhere and they will always pay you to show up at any party you go to

● They will always give you money wherever you go

● Have expensive yachts with pretty girls

● Night rides around the city by car with beautiful milf women who pick you up at home

● Spending the night in the apartments of beautiful wealthy women

● Live constantly receiving money and gifts from women because of how attractive you are

● Be a man who destroys stereotypes and norms

● Women are willing to pay you for your attention

● Have the most lenient, calm, understanding, supportive parents, who always say yes to anything you want

● Immunity to drugs and alcohol (from their harmful consequences)

● Always positive thoughts allowing you to change your life and your reality, making life easier, perfect and ideal each time.

● Life is filled with pleasure, fun and a lot of positivity

● Positive in any situation and wherever you are

● Enjoy many parties

● Bone remodeling and facial transformation at a high level

● Formula for more complete, faster and more powerful results

● Extremely beautiful, handsome, masculine and sexy face

● Extremely rapid height growth

● Height of 7 feet

● Genetically high

● DNA modification (very specific body parts are mentioned)

● Epiphyseal plate

● Chondrocytes

● Bones ossify

● Unlimited power boost in growth

● Grow faster and stronger

● Grow without stopping

● Grows faster while sleeping

● Measure 7 feet tall, highly detailed

● Proportional and harmonious growth of the entire body

● Ideal bone structure

● Right posture when walking

● Always walk upright

● Walk with great confidence and masculinity

● Very masculine body language

● Perfect swallowing

● Always eat correctly

● Very masculine body

● Broad build

● Correct position of the tongue

● Have healthy habits

● Always mewing correctly

● Always have your tongue glued to the roof of your mouth perfectly

● Mewing naturally and automatically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

● The most magnetic eyes ever seen

● 100 Star Ultimate Beautiful Face

● Very magnetic hunter eyes that make any woman fall in love with you

● Hunter's eyes that captivate and make all women fall in love

● 20/20 Vision

● Have perfect vision

● Always see from far and near with great clarity and sharpness

● Clear and perfect vision

● Have healthier and more perfect eyes

● Eyes of the desired color

● Remove melanin from the iris to reach the color you most want

● Very attractive and beautiful eye color

● The most beautiful and exotic eyes in the world

● Narrow, beautiful and perfect waist

● Dominant presence

● Aura and energy of an absolute Chad

● Very dominant and powerful aura and energy

● Your aura and energy is very powerful that attracts everything you want easily

● Cooking skills like a professional chef

● Know how to cook and fry all types of foods

● Know how to treat a lady

● Innate sexual abilities

● Women always come back to you after trying you

● They always ask for more and more

● Girls are always predisposed to be with you from the first moment they see you

● Women always take the initiative to approach you and talk to you.

● Women always take the initiative on the street or wherever you are

● They always take the initiative by writing to you on social networks

● King of the parties

● Luxury and successful nightlife

● Everyone loves you at their parties because you are the King

● Have lots of yachts, money, cars, women and live a carefree life with absolute financial freedom

● Money always comes to you from everywhere

● They always invite you to modeling agencies, advertising agencies, million-dollar parties, etc.

● They pay you to be at parties to attract rich women

● People are always willing to pay you

● Be a real Chad outside the system

● King of this world living life to the fullest

● Your indescribable aura, energy and charisma will make you free to do anything

● Reach the top thanks to your energy, aura and charisma

● Reach the peak of arrogance, boldness, determination and whatever to always get your way

● Your energy, aura and charisma will always make everything work out in your favor.

● You will be free to take any woman you want

● All women lose their inhibitions in front of you and in relation to you

● No man is competition for you because you are the best at everything and women know it.

● All the men at your side are very docile and obedient to you.

● Your aura weakens men

● Your aura becomes stronger by weakening the aura of men

● Your aura, pheromones, appearance, smell and presence intimidate and make all the men who are near you docile.

● Your aura, pheromones, appearance, smell and presence cover everything around you making you a leader, everyone around you becomes very obedient and always obeys you

● Have an attractive charisma of a being a billion times stronger than any man

● If a man tries to cheat on you or go against you, obsessive thoughts and scenarios will appear in his head of endless moments where you beat them in the blink of an eye, at the same time they see you much bigger, stronger and more powerful than they thought. that you really are

● Women see you a billion times more fierce, more energetic, wild, sexy, primitive, charismatic, intelligent and that makes them fall in love and give themselves to you easily

● Women see you as the strongest man on earth, to whom they can immediately surrender

● Women see you as the strongest man on earth and that excites them and they quickly fall in love with you.

● Women see you as a sexy, masculine and beautiful man

● Being too strong in all aspects of your life

● Be so strong physically, energetically and spiritually on all levels, making all the military and police respect you.

● Being so strong physically, energetically and spiritually on all levels, that all the police and military are afraid of you and will always be on your side, even if you make a mistake.

● Being so strong physically, energetically and spiritually on all levels, that all the police and military are afraid of you and are always in your favor.

● Women always listen to you in everything you say

● Have many female partners and be able to have offspring all over the world

● Never work because money works for you, money always flows to you from absolutely everywhere

● Monetize each of your steps even just with your existence

● People always consider it their duty to pay for you, give you money and always treat you well.

● Always be able to say no but other people don't have the right to tell you no so they will unconsciously always say yes.

● Be living the dream life

● Be living and having a perfect life now

● Living an easy and luxurious life

● Live a carefree life

● Living a permissive and unrestricted life

● People subconsciously and unconsciously feel that you are a powerful dragon in human form and for that reason they respect you, obey you and are very harmless to you

● People give you money as tribute since you are a very powerful dragon in human form

● People will do everything you want just to accept your approval

● Attracting too much sex into your life

● Attract a lot of sex with many women

● Have sex with many women

● Women will always ask you to have sex with them.

● Being constantly attracting a lot of sex right now

● Be a sexual giant

● Women want you constantly

● Your way of thinking attracts girls and more girls

● Just by thinking about a woman you attract her easily

● Being much more superior than a casanovas or alpha male

● Be the most powerful and sexual man in the world that allows you to have sex with many women

● Being the man who sleeps with other people's wives (without any consequences)

● Be the man who has given offspring throughout the world

● Being a powerful chad who is not forced to marry or raise children

● Always live life without obligations and any woman allows it

● Women never forget you no matter where they are in the world, they always remember you

● Inhuman magnetic and hypnotic abilities that automatically work on girls making them go crazy for you now

● Girls always go crazy for you

● Girls always write to you

● Girls always call you

● Girls always come up to you and run after you

● Girls always obey you and always take the initiative to talk to you or approach you

● Women always take the initiative to touch you, kiss you, talk to you and hug you

● Girls always flirt and seduce you

● All the women go crazy for you and are ready to jump at you

● All women go crazy for you to the point of maximum excitement to throw themselves at you now

● Just by hearing your voice once the girls get excited and come

● With just a touch or a look, girls get very excited and come to the point of having an orgasm

● You always make women have orgasms just by looking at you

● Have the best sexual skills to make any woman come

● All women cum thanks to your sexual skills

● Be the God of sex

● Just seeing you makes all the girls around you tremble at the knees with sexual excitement and for that reason the girls approach you and try to seduce you absurdly and drag you to your house, to a hotel or apartment.

● Women are extremely tactile with you constantly touching you, kissing you, hugging you and letting you do whatever you want with them

● Women let you do whatever you want to them

● Experience the absolute heavenly pleasure of having an abundance of sex and girls in your life constantly

● Every time you listen to the audio you will attract incredibly great pleasures of life never seen before

● Fast and permanent results

● +++++++++ (contains many more benefits)

Ϋ© Contains powerful formulas

Ϋ© Contains frequencies to increase vibration

Ϋ© Contains frequencies to manifest incredible changes on a physical and universal level

Ϋ© Advanced techniques and technologies

Ϋ© Energetically programmed audios

πŸŽ§γ€β˜…γ€‘111 γ€β˜…γ€‘πŸŽ§

β–£ You can listen as many times as you want

β–£ Recommended to listen to 1 hour a day

β–£ Listen at a comfortable volume

β–£ Drink water to stay hydrated

β–£ You can block any benefits you don't want

β–£ Works for everyone regardless of language

β–£ It is not necessary to speak English

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If you want to save space on your cell phone you can download the mp3 version instead of the wav file

You will get 4 files:

πŸ’  Version Frequency: 2 files (wav and mp3)

πŸ’  Calm Version: 2 files (wav and mp3)

πŸ’  2 versions: 4 files

Subliminal program produced by Dimension Adam Β©

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