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From Garden to Table: Mastering Self-Sufficiency in Your Own Backyard Workshop

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From Garden to Table:

Mastering Self-Sufficiency in Your Own Backyard


Welcome to another fabulous workshop with John Metcalf, where we will be taking the conversation on gardening and self-sufficiency to the next level!

In this workshop, he will build upon the foundational information shared in the earlier webinar and provide you with practical tools and tips to become more self-sufficient.

This interactive and engaging workshop will include activities and group discussions to help you apply what you learned and take an active role in your journey towards self-sufficiency. John will explore topics such as:


  • Knowing your Soil type and pH. How this relates to the plants we wish to grow
  • Consider your climate-micro climate. Sun, shade, wind, precipitation
  • Incorporating your garden waste into the soil
  • How Soil health relates to our own health
  • Pests and disease-How to create the environment for your plants to stand up against these.
  • What do I do with the plant material I can't harvest.


  • Choosing the best Seeds (What type of seeds, and what varieties)
  • Direct Sowing Vs starting off seedlings in pots (How to give your seeds a head start-warming up the soil-Choosing the right time to plant out the delicate seedlings)
  • Where will each plant benefit the most in your space: Consider creating biodiversity-companion planting/guilds
  • Plant spacing (How to make the most of your space and organise your crops to give them what they need
  • Harvesting & Seed Saving (How do we know what plants to keep for seed)
  • Ways to store seeds, so you don't have to buy any next season
  • Setting up a seed circle, or seed bank.
  • It's not all just about plants we can eat-Medicinal plants and plants for pollinators
  • Annuals & Perennials
  • Flowering, Pollinating and Fruiting

  • How do plants use energy? (Cycles)
  • Photosynthesis
  • What do your plants need in their infancy? 
  • What do your plants really need?
  • What do plants need to reach maturity?
  • The gain and loss of energy

  • Giving more than we take
  • Learning from your mistakes-What is nature trying to tell me?
  • Do you have too much of one crop - Storing, preserving and sharing

By the end of this workshop, you will feel confident and empowered to take the next steps towards creating your own more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Join our expert instructor John Metcalf and let's learn together!

Pay What You Can

(Suggested donation amount £10)

Both PFFA and John Metcalf believe in access for all, so please pay what you think is fair.

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